
Sodelujoči roboti
ID Zore, Aleš (Author), ID Munih, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 75D07E90F9078459AA0485301924AF86
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/670b41dc-a3ef-4282-aad8-cba58c611a76

V zadnjem desetletju je bilo namenjeno veliko poudarka varnosti človeka v bližini industrijskega robota. Rezultat raziskovanj so sodelujoči roboti, ki s svojimi lastnostmi omogočajo sodelovanje s človekom. Ne predstavljajo velikega tveganja tudi, če se človek nahaja v njihovem delovnem območju. Tveganje poškodbe se zmanjša z zavedanjem okolice in z dobrim zaznavanjem trkov, roboti imajo omejeno tudi hitrost gibanja. Prvo poglavje vsebuje definicijo sodelovanja med človekom in robotom. Kasneje je na kratko opisana zgodovina industrijske robotike, na koncu poglavja so zapisani cilji naloge. V drugem poglavju so predstavljeni mednarodni standardi za industrijske robote vključujoč EN ISO 10218-1, EN ISO 10218-2, ISO/TS 15066, ISO 9283 in EN ISO 13849-1. Standardi vsebujejo in opisane so informacije o zahtevah za zasnovo in postavitev industrijskih robotov, priporočila za sodelujoče aplikacije, postopke za merjenje karakteristik delovanja in varnostne zahteve za integracijo varnostnih funkcij krmilnega sistema. V tretjem poglavju srečamo uporabo primerne dodatne opreme in senzorjev kot so kamera, varnostne podloge, svetlobne zavese, laserski skenerji in robotske obleke, s katerimi lahko omogočimo sodelovanje med človekom in običajnim industrijskim robotom. Dodana sredstva jim omogočajo zavedanje okolice. V sledečem poglavju so predstavljeni najbolj razširjeni sodelujoči roboti na tržišču. Njihove lastnosti smo razdelili v pet glavnih skupin: definicija delovnega prostora, vodenje z roko, nadzor hitrosti in varnostne razdalje, varnostni izklop ter omejitev kinetične energije. Primerjava sodelujočih robotov in posameznih funkcij delovanja in varnostnih funkcij je zapisana v diskusiji.

Keywords:sodelujoči roboti, industrijski roboti, sodelovanje, robotski standardi, pripomočki, varnost.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94398 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Collaborative robots
Human safety is one of the main issues in industrial robotics in the past decades. Result of numerous research efforts is new type of robot, the collaborative robot. This kind of robots enable human – robot collaboration. Collaborative robot do not present risk even if human is present in the robot workspace. Risk of injury is reduced by awareness of the environment and accurate collision detection, robot speed is limited as well. The first chapter brings a definition of human – robot collaboration. Following is short description of industrial robotic history, at the end of chapter are outlined goals of thesis. In the second chapter are presented international standards for industrial robots including EN ISO 10218-1, EN ISO 10218-2, ISO/TS 15066, ISO 9283 and EN ISO 13849-. The standards contain and provided is information about industrial robot requirements and production cell, recommendations for collaborative applications, methods for performance criteria and related test and safety requirements for integrating safety functions of control system. In the third chapter the reader can found use appropriate accessories and safety devices, such as camera, safety mat, laser scanner and light curtain, which enable that traditional industrial robots can be used in collaborative operation even though they were not designed for it. Additional sensors contribute to robot awareness of the environment. In the next chapter are presented the most widely used collaborative robots on the market. Their main properties are divided in five main areas: workspace definition, hand guiding, speed and separation monitoring, safety monitoring stop and limiting kinetic energy. Comparison of collaborative robots functionalities and related safety functions is provided in final discussion.

Keywords:collaborative robots, industrial robots, collaboration, robot standards, safety, equipment.

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