
Vodenje zveznega procesa z uporabo programirljivega logičnega krmilnika Siemens
ID LAJ, GREGOR (Author), ID Logar, Vito (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 7874B42B6F3824B119AA257158C4C6AF
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/166bf124-84b8-4194-9d71-f671e889e599

V diplomski nalogi smo opisali izgradnjo sistema za vodenje zveznega procesa na osnovi programirljivega logičnega krmilnika (PLK) Siemens S7-1200, v programskem okolju TIA Portal. PLK smo uporabili za vodenje naprave obroča s kroglico. Delo je potekalo v laboratoriju na fakulteti. Prvi del naloge se osredotoča na teorijo vodenja sistemov. Sisteme vodenja smo razdelili glede na principe delovanja in podrobneje opisali odprtozančni in zaprtozančni sistem vodenja. Na koncu smo opisali še PID regulator, njegove člene, delovanje in nastavitve parametrov. V drugem delu naloge smo opisali programirljive logične krmilnike in njihovo delovanje, strojno opremo, ki je bila pri izdelavi diplomske naloge uporabljena in samo programiranje v programskem okolju TIA Portal. Tretji del naloge prikazuje kako je potekal praktični del naloge v laboratoriju. Prikazana je modelna naprava, ki smo jo uporabili v laboratoriju, izgradnja programa, programiranje regulatorja v TIA Portalu in izgradnja vmesnika človek-stroj.

Keywords:PID regulator, TIA portal, HMI
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94381 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.08.2017
LAJ, GREGOR, 2017, Vodenje zveznega procesa z uporabo programirljivega logičnega krmilnika Siemens [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 15 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Continuous proces control using a Siemens programmable logic controller
In the thesis, a system for a continuous process control based on a programmable logical controller (PLK) Siemens S7-1200 in TIA Portal environment is presented. The developed controller was to control a ball and hoop device. The work was done in the faculty’s laboratory. First part of the thesis is focused on the theory behind the control systems. We have divided the systems by the principles on which they function. We have described two main types of system control, followed by a description of a PID controller, its parts, functioning and parameter settings. The second part of the thesis describes programmable logical controllers and their functionalities, hardware that was used in the development of the system and the process of programming in TIA Portal environment. The third part explains the practical part of the thesis performed in the laboratory. It presents a study model that has been used, development of the program, programming of the controller in the TIA Portal and development of the human-machine interface.

Keywords:PID controller, TIA portal, HMI

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