Sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) have an important ecological role in Adriatic ecosystem (on trophic levels) and are commercially most important coastal pelagic species of countries around Adriatic. In the Adriatic Sea sardine is depleted and abundance of anchovy stocks are low, so with the support of AdriaMed project and ZZRS we set our goals to recognize the most important sardine and anchovy spawning areas and periods in Slovenian sea for future spawning stock biomass estimations. Sampling was performed in the Slovenian sea once a month for 11 months (from August–September 2014 and November 2014–July 2015) at 10 sampling stations, positioned app. 3 miles apart. As suggested by the DEPM protocol, the sampling was conducted using WP2 net. Samples were preserved in 3 % solution of buffered formaldehyde. Because of low winter temperatures sardine eggs were recorded in low numbers at sampling area from September to April, with the spawning peaks in November and February. The highest number of eggs were recorded in the northwestern part of the Slovenian sea and in the Gulf of Koper. Anchovy eggs were recored from August to November 2014 and from May to July in 2015, with the spawning peak in August. Most important spawning areas are in the northwestern part of Slovenian sea and the Gulf of Koper. We measured the eggs and determin their egg stages.