
Modeliranje izmenjave živega srebra med morjem in zrakom na območju Jadranskega morja
ID Tomažič, Špela (Author), ID Žagar, Dušan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Ličer, Matjaž (Comentor)

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MD5: 38D7F57D7CE448E7DAD69D341F7C92B7
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/81fea891-0182-4e69-870f-347bc36e2f99

Živo srebro je prisotno v vseh segmentih okolja. V atmosferi lahko hlapi elementarnega živega srebra prepotujejo velike razdalje, zato se živo srebro obravnava kot globalno onesnažilo, ki je v vseh zvrsteh strupeno za človeka. Zdravju najnevarnejše je metilirano živo srebro, ki mu je človek izpostavljen preko prehranjevanja z ribami in ostalimi vodnimi organizmi. Znanost poskuša razložiti speciacijo živega srebra in z meritvami in modeli ovrednotiti dejavnike, ki vplivajo na pretvorbe in tokove živega srebra znotraj posameznega okoljskega segmenta in med njimi. Tudi severni in osrednji del Jadranskega morja sta zaradi antropogenih virov zelo onesnažena z živim srebrom, zato smo izdelali numerični model za izračun izmenjave živega srebra med vodo in zrakom v Jadranskem morju AdriHg. Model smo uporabili za posredno primerjavo enosmerno in dvosmerno sklopljenega atmosferskega in oceanskega modela. Razlike v količini izmenjave živega srebra izračunane z različno sklopljenima modeloma so zanemarljivo majhne. Model smo uporabili tudi za ovrednotenje dosedanjih modelnih rezultatov in meritev izmenjave na območju Jadranskega morja, s čimer bomo omogočili bolj točen izračun masne bilance živega srebra na tem območju.

Keywords:živo srebro, izmenjava plina med vodo in zrakom, model izmenjave plina, hitrost prenosa plina, Jadransko morje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[Š. Tomažič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-94324 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8116321 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.07.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Modeling mercury evasion in the Adriatic Sea
Mercury is present in all segments of the environment. In the atmosphere, vapors of elemental mercury can travel over long distances; therefore, mercury is regarded as a global pollutant, which is toxic to people in all its forms. The greatest danger to human health presents the methylated mercury to which people are exposed by eating fish and other aquatic organisms. Science attempts to explain the mercury speciation, and to evaluate with measurements and models the factors that influence mercury transformations and flow, both within and between individual environmental compartments. Since the northern and central parts of the Adriatic Sea are very polluted by mercury due to the anthropogenic sources, we have developed a numerical model AdriHg for the calculation of the mercury exchange between water and air in the Adriatic Sea. The model was used to indirectly compare the one-way and two-way coupled atmospheric and ocean models. The differences in the quantity of mercury exchange calculated with differently coupled models are negligible. The model was also used to evaluate previous model results and measurements of the exchange in the Adriatic Sea, which will enable a more accurate calculation of the mercury mass balance in the area.

Keywords:mercury, air-sea gas exchange, gas exchange model, gas transfer velocity, Adriatic sea

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