
Lajšanje bolečine pri otroku z glasbo : pregled literature
ID Valič, Stanka (Author), ID Thaler, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: AEA719BC4145ABA0330C63D442A3EDD0
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/346d3f52-8257-42ca-901a-e665763a27e2

Uvod: Ko govorimo o bolezni in z boleznijo povezanimi čustvenimi odzivi na bolečino, so otroci ena izmed najbolj občutljivih skupin, za katere je potrebno narediti vse, da jim okrevanje ne bo pustilo travmatičnih izkušenj. Bolni otroci so pogosto izpostavljeni invazivnim medicinskim postopkom, ki lahko povzročijo bolečino, strah, stres in tesnobo. Glasba in glasbena terapija sta dve izmed mnogih nefarmakoloških oblik lajšanja teh težav pri otrocih. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati, kako glasbena terapija vpliva na zaznavanje in jakost bolečine pri bolnih otrocih, njen vpliv na stres in tesnobo zaradi medicinskih postopkov, s katerimi se srečujejo otroci v različnih razvojnih obdobjih, ter vlogo medicinske sestre pri uporabljanju glasbene terapije. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom domače in tuje strokovne literature. Razprava in sklep: Sodelovanje medicinske sestre z otrokom je bistvenega pomena. V raziskavah je bilo ugotovljeno, da so otroci bolje sodelovali z medicinskimi sestrami, če so jim ponudile nefarmakološke oblike zdravljenja bolečine z bolj osebnim pristopom. Glasba kot nefarmakološki način lajšanja bolečine zmanjšuje zahteve po analgetikih ter odpravlja stiske skozi celoten proces zdravljenja. Glasbena terapija ne bi smela biti obravnavana kot metoda zdravstvene oskrbe, ampak kot terapevtska tehnika z individualnim pristopom. Pomembno je prizadevanje za nefarmakološko obravnavo bolečine ter znanstveno raziskovanje. V klinični praksi bi bilo potrebno razmisliti o večji uporabi nefarmakoloških načinov zdravljenja bolečine in se potruditi za njihovo vpeljavo v neposredno delo in obravnavo otrok.

Keywords:bolečina, glasba, terapija, zdravstvena nega
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-93060 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5290603 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.07.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Pain relief in children with music : literature review
Introduction: Children are the most sensitive patients when confronted with illness and the illness-related emotional reaction to pain. For this reason all efforts have to be made to enable their recovery with no traumatic experiences. Sick children are often treated with invasive medical procedures, which can cause pain, fear, stress and anxiety. Music is one of several non-pharmacological therapeutic tools which can reduce pain, anxiety and fear among the adults and children. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore how music therapy affects detection and level of pain among ill children, how it affect stress and anxiety in the context of medical procedures to which children are subjected to in various periods of their lives, and what are the roles of nurses in such a therapeutic context. Work methods: The thesis features the descriptive method, with an overview of Slovenian and especially international literature relevant for the topic. Results: Cooperation between the nurse and the child is of essential importance. Research results have confirmed that children cooperated better with those nurses, who provided them with non-pharmaceutical means of healing and approached them more personally. Music as a non-pharmacological means of pain relief reduces both the need for analgesics and negative feelings prior to, during and after medical care. Discussion and conclusion: Music therapy should not be treated as an alternative method of medical treatment, but as a therapeutic technique with individual approach. Children are precious to us and we should lead them to a healthy existence with no pain whenever possible; non-pharmaceutical treatment of pain and further research in this direction are of fundamental importance. It is advisable to think of an increased use on non-pharmacological means of pain treatment in the clinical practice and its introduction to the everyday practice.

Keywords:pain, music, therapy, nursing care

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