
(Samo)zaznavanje kompetentnosti in stališča strokovnih delavcev v vrtcu na področju timskega dela z otroki s posebnimi potrebami
ID Rozman, Katjuša (Author), ID Polak, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4558/ This link opens in a new window

Predšolsko obdobje je v razvoju otrok izredno pomembno, ključno pa je tudi za otroke s posebnimi potrebami, saj je potrebno njihove težave, primanjkljaje in ovire čim prej odkriti. V Sloveniji so predšolski otroci s posebnimi potrebami po Zakonu o usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami usmerjeni v enega od treh različnih predšolskih programov vzgoje in izobraževanja. V večinskem oddelku vrtca se izvaja program s prilagojenim izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno pomočjo, kjer je za vsakega otroka pripravljen individualiziran program, na podlagi katerega se izvaja tudi dodatna strokovna pomoč. Da je le-ta čim bolj kakovostna, je potrebno timsko delo različnih strokovnjakov, ki si stalno izmenjujejo informacije, si medsebojno pomagajo in delajo za skupni cilj. Na kakovostno delo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami pa vpliva tudi kompetentnost strokovnih delavcev. Da so pri delu strokovni in uspešni, potrebujejo določena znanja, spretnosti, sposobnosti in izkušnje s tega področja. Pomembna pa so tudi stališča strokovnih delavcev, ki jih imajo do timskega dela z otroki s posebnimi potrebami. Nekateri strokovni delavci imajo do vključevanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami v večinske oddelke vzgoje in izobraževanja pozitivna stališča, medtem ko imajo drugi odklonilno mnenje, negativna stališča in strahove pred pedagoškim delom s temi otroki. Na stališča pogosto vpliva zaznavanje lastne kompetentnosti za timsko delo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami, zato nas je v empiričnem delu zanimalo, kako strokovni delavci v slovenskih vrtcih zaznavajo lastno kompetentnost in kakšna stališča imajo do timskega dela z otroki s posebnimi potrebami. Vzorec raziskave je predstavljalo 113 vzgojiteljic in pomočnic vzgojiteljice, ki delajo v večinskih oddelkih vrtca v različnih slovenskih krajih. Vključene so bile strokovne delavke z različno stopnjo izobrazbe in različnimi delovnimi izkušnjami v vrtcu. Podatke smo anonimno zbirali z anketnim vprašalnikom. Dobljene rezultate smo obdelali s pomočjo programa SPSS in spletne ankete 1-ka. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da se strokovni delavci v vrtcu ne zaznavajo kot dovolj kompetentne za tovrstno delo. Njihove samozaznave kompetentnosti se statistično pomembno razlikujejo glede na delovno mesto in stopnjo izobrazbe, medtem ko glede na delovno dobo statistično pomembnih razlik nismo potrdili. Preverjali smo tudi stališča strokovnih delavcev v vrtcu do otrok s posebnimi potrebami in ugotovili, da imajo strokovni delavci do njih nevtralna stališča. Med stališči strokovnih delavcev glede na delovno mesto, stopnjo izobrazbe in delovno dobo nismo dokazali statistično pomembnih razlik. Ugotovili smo tudi, da imajo strokovni delavci do timskega dela z otroki s posebnimi potrebami pozitivna stališča. Statistično pomembne razlike v stališčih do timskega dela z otroki s posebnimi potrebami so se pokazale le glede na delovno mesto strokovnih delavcev. Glede na stopnjo izobrazbe in delovno dobo pa statistično pomembnih razlik nismo dokazali. Statistično pomembne korelacije so se pokazale tudi med stališči do timskega dela in zaznavami lastne kompetentnosti za timsko delo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami. Med stališči strokovnih delavcev do otrok s posebnimi potrebami in njihovimi samozaznavami kompetentnosti pa nismo dobili pozitivnih in statistično pomembnih korelacij. S pomočjo raziskave smo ugotovili, da strokovni delavci v vrtcu lastno timsko delo z otroki s posebnimi potrebami zaznavajo kot visoko učinkovito.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-93028 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11639881 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Preschool professionals' (self)perception of competency and attitudes in the field of team work with children with special needs
Preschool period is very important for children's growth. Preschool period is also important for children with special needs, because we need to discover their problems, disabilities or obstacles as soon as possible. In Slovenia preschool children with special needs are divided in one of the three different educational programs definite by law. In ordinary preschool program they carry out special program for children with special needs. This special program has extra professional assistance, where each child has their own individual program and on that program is based professional assistance. To provide the best assistance, we need a group of experts, which are in constant interaction, who help each others with knowledge, information and they work together for the greater good, which is helping children with special needs. People who work with children with special needs must have professionally knowledge, specific skills, capabilities and experiences in this area. Expert’s attitudes in the field of the team work with children with special needs are very important. Some professionals have positive attitudes to including children with special needs in programs with ordinary children; on the other hand some has negative attitudes and fear for that kind of education and arrangement. Self perception of competency usually affects on the attitudes and that is why we made a research in Slovenian preschools. In the empirical part of the thesis we are curious, how preschool professionals feel their competences of teamwork with children with special needs. We survey 113 preschool teachers and their assistants. Teachers have different level of education and different work experiences with children with special needs. Information was anonymous and analyzed with SPSS program and 1-ka. The result of the survey shows us that preschool professionals do not feel completely competent for that kind of work. Statistics outcome show us that their competence perception vary on the workplace and the level of education, whereas there is no significant statistic correlation regardless to years of service. We research also the attitudes of preschool professionals to the children with special needs and find out that they have neutral point of view on those children. There is no important statistic difference among their education, workplace or years of service. There are positive attitudes based on teamwork with the children with special needs. The only statistically important difference found is different workplace. There are statistically important correlation between attitudes to teamwork and perception of their competences for teamwork with children with special needs. There is no positive important statistic correlation between their attitudes to children with special needs and perception of their own competences. With the help of this research, we find out, that preschool professionals feel their effectiveness with teamwork with children with special needs as highly important.


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