
Plesna dramatizacija pravljice Rumeno čudo
ID Janežič, Katja (Author), ID Geršak, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4547/ This link opens in a new window

Otroci so ustvarjalna bitja, ki potrebujejo čas in prostor za gibanje in plesno ustvarjanje. V vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanovah plesno vzgojo izvajajo manj kot druga področja iz Kurikuluma za vrtce. V diplomskem delu želimo na praktičnem primeru prikazati, kako lahko s plesno improvizacijo in aktivnim soustvarjanjem predšolskih otrok ustvarimo plesno dramatizacijo. V teoretičnem delu smo opisali, kaj pedagoškim delavcem veleva Kurikulum za vrtce na področju plesne vzgoje, kaj so ples, plesnost, plesni elementi, kakšen vpliv ima ples na razvoj otroka, kaj so naloge ter kakšne so spodbude plesne vzgoje za otrokovo izražanje in vpliv vzgojitelja na plesno ustvarjanje otroka. Opisali smo plesno dramatizacijo in njen pomen za otrokovo blaginjo. V empiričnem delu smo opisali projekt ustvarjanja plesne dramatizacije Rumeno čudo, ki smo ga izvedli s pet- in šestletniki skupine Žabice Vrtca Otona Župančiča Ljubljana. S pomočjo treh sklopov smo otrokom omogočili, da se spoznajo s svojim telesom in ustvarjalnim gibom, spoznajo pravljico Rumeno čudo, ustvarijo kostume, sceno, izberejo glasbo in ustvarijo ter predstavijo plesno dramatizacijo. Potek izvajanja, odzive otrok, vzgojiteljev in svoja doživljanja smo opisali v analizah z refleksijami, ki smo jih obogatili s fotografijami. Otroci so ustvarili svoje kostume, pripomočke, sceno in svojo prvo plesno dramatizacijo z metodo improvizacije. V ustvarjalnem procesu so uživali, sodelovali in se učili novih veščin reševanja konfliktov. Skozi plesni projekt smo ugotovili, da imajo otroci močno potrebo po plesno-gibalnih dejavnostih, so notranje motivirani za ustvarjanje in to radi počnejo. Otroci so se na projekt odzvali pozitivno, z zanimanjem, sodelovanjem in vedoželjnostjo so ustvarjali različne plesne dejavnosti. Plesno dramatizacijo so soustvarjali s svojimi domišljijskimi in kritičnimi predlogi. Pri izvajanju plesne dramatizacije smo ugotovili, da se v njej ne prepleta le področje umetnosti, ampak tudi druga kurikularna področja, kar pomeni, da je to vsestranska dejavnost, ki otroka razvija celostno. Vzgojitelj mora biti pri izvajanju plesne vzgoje potrpežljiv, prilagodljiv, komunikativen, ustvarjalen itd., predvsem mora opustiti strah pred izvajanjem plesnih dejavnosti s predšolskimi otroki.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-93009 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11631689 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Dance dramatization of a fairytale Rumeno čudo
Children are creative creatures who need time and space for movement and dance creation. In educational institutions, dance education is implemented less than other areas of the kindergarten Curriculum. In the graduation thesis, we use a practical example to demonstrate how we can create dance dramatization using dance improvisation and active co-creation of pre-school children. In the theoretical part, we described what kindergarten Curriculum demands from teachers in the area of dance education, what is dance, dancing, dance elements, what is influence of dance on a child’s development, what are the tasks and encouragements of dance education on child’s expression, and teacher’s influence on child’s dance creativity. We described dance dramatization and its meaning for child’s well-being. In the empirical part, we described the project of creation of the dance dramatization Rumeno čudo, which was implemented with children aged from five to six years in the group Žabice (Frogs) of the Oton Župančič Kindergarten in Ljubljana. On the basis of the three sets, we enabled children to know their body and creative movement, to know the fairy tale Rumeno čudo, to create costumes, scene, choose music, and to create and present the dance dramatization. The course of implementation, children’s and teacher’s responses, as well as our experience were described in analyses with reflexions that were enriched with photos. Children created their own costumes, requisites, scene, and they created their first dance dramatization using a method of improvisation. They enjoyed the creative process, they cooperated and learned new skills of solving conflicts. Throughout the dance project, we established that children have a strong need for dance and movement activities, they are internally motivated for creation and love to do it. Children responded positively to the project, and created various dancing activities with interest, cooperation, and curiosity. They enriched the dance dramatization with their imaginative and critical proposals. In implementation of dance animation, we established that not only art field is intertwined in it, but also other curricular fields, meaning that this is a comprehensive activity in which child develops comprehensively. In implementation of dance education, teacher must be patient, flexible, communicative, creative etc. Mainly they must let go of the fear of performing dancing activities with the pre-school children.


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