
Ocenjevanje standardov znanja pri predmetu Šport v prvih petih razredih osnovne šole
ID Kovač, Urška (Author), ID Štemberger Vučko, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Učni načrt za šport je zasnovan zelo odprto, saj so standardi znanja opredeljeni za triletje in ne za posamezen razred. Učitelji imajo tako pri predmetu šport zelo veliko svobode pri načrtovanju pouka. Oni presodijo, kdaj bi bilo, glede na učence, smiselno obravnavati in ocenjevati posamezne standarde. Svoboda, ki jo omogoča učni načrt za šport, je lahko za izkušene učitelje nekaj pozitivnega za učitelje začetnike pa ovira. Glavni cilj raziskave je bil tako ugotoviti, ali učitelji razumejo zapise v učnem načrtu za športno vzgojo in posledično katere standarde najpogosteje ocenjujejo v prvem in drugem triletju. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili pomen in načine ocenjevanja ter značilnosti dobrega ocenjevanja. Predstavili smo tudi smisel ocenjevanja športne vzgoje ter kako to ustrezno izpeljati. Pomemben del kakovostnega ocenjevanja je načrtovanje, zato smo v nalogi opisali tudi načrtovanje pouka in smisel ter sestavo letne učne priprave. V vzorec smo vključili 102 letni učni pripravi prvih petih razredov. Od tega smo od štirinajstih šol (to je 42 letnih učnih priprav) zbrali letne učne priprave za vse tri razrede prvega triletja in od štirinajstih šol (to je 28 letnih učnih priprav) zbrali letne učne priprave za drugo triletje – četrti in peti razred. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, ali učitelji diferencirajo in individualizirajo ocenjevanje športne vzgoje, ali iste standarde znanja ocenjujejo v enakih razredih in ali znotraj triletja ocenijo vse standarde, opredeljene z učnim načrtom. Raziskava je pokazala, da se pogosto standardi znotraj triletja ocenjujejo v vseh treh razredih, a je nivo ocenjevanja z vsakim razredom zahtevnejši. Ugotovili smo, da večina učiteljev ocenjevanja ne diferencira in individualizira. Po šolah se znotraj triletij v večini ne ocenijo vsi standardi, več kot polovica učiteljev pa iste standarde znanja ocenjuje v enakih razredih. Ugotovitve smo predstavili v preglednicah in tako naredili pregled, kateri standardi se najpogosteje ocenjujejo v prvih dveh triletjih pri športu.

Keywords:predmet šport
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92984 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11621449 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Assessment of physical education standards in the first five primary school years
Physical education curriculum has a very broad set, because the knowledge standards are defined for triennial and not for the particular school year. Physical education teachers have therefor a lot of freedom planning classes. They determine according to the general knowledge of the pupils when the appropriate time would be to teach and assess certain standards. This freedom for physical education curriculum can be an advantage for seasoned teachers and a disadvantage for the beginners. Main goal of the research is to determine whether the teachers understand the physical education curriculum notes and consequentially which standards they assess most in the first and second triennial. In theoretical part we presented the meaning and ways of assessment and characteristics of good assessment. We described the meaning of games assessment and how to do that in an adequate manner. Important part of quality assessment is planning; therefore we described also the classes planning, the meaning and structure of curriculum plan. In this pattern we included 102 curriculums plans of first five grades. From fourteen schools (42 curriculums plans) we have acquired curriculums plans for all the grades of the first triennial and from fourteen schools (28 curriculums plans) we have acquired curriculums plans for the second triennial – fourth and fifth grade. Based on our research we wanted to find out whether teachers differentiate and individualize physical education assessment or if they assess the same knowledge standards in the same classes or if they assess all standards in one triennial, defined by the curriculum. Research has showed that standards are assessed mostly in all three grades within one triennial, but that the level of assessment gets more demanding each year. We have found out that the majority of teachers does not differentiate and individualize the assessment. Within the triennial most schools do not assess all standards, more than half of teachers assess the same standards in the same grades. We have presented our findings in tables and therefore made the overview which standards are most often assessed in first two triennials in physical education.

Keywords:physical education

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