
Kako poslušanje različne glasbe vpliva na vzdražljivost motorične skorje? : študija s transkranialno magnetno stimulacijo
ID Govejšek, Vid (Author), ID Kojović, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4533/ This link opens in a new window

V magistrskem delu smo z eksperimentom poskušali ugotoviti, kakšne spremembe lahko poslušanje različne glasbe povzroči na motoričnem korteksu v primerjavi s stanjem, ko preizkušanec glasbe ne posluša. Ne glede na vse večje število ljudi, vključenih v različne glasbene terapije, kot so na primer bolniki s Parkinsonovo boleznijo in bolniki z distonijo, danes še vedno ne vemo, kako glasba dejansko tem pacientom pomaga in izboljša vsakdanje življenje. Zato moramo poskusiti ugotoviti, kako glasba deluje na motorično skorjo in kateri aspekti glasbe so pomembni za učinek na gibanje. Transkranialna magnetna stimulacija (TMS) je zelo primerna metoda, saj v realnem času preko elektromiografije (EMG) vidimo spremembe, ki jih zunanji dejavniki, kot je glasba, lahko povzročijo na nivoju primarne motorične skorje. Za vzorec smo vzeli 10 oseb, vse desničarje, v starosti med 20 in 35 let, ki se predhodno niso ukvarjali z glasbo. Opravili smo 5 meritev z TMS: MEP (motorični evocirani potenciali), SICI (kratkointervalna intrakortikalna inhibicija), ICF (intrakortikalna facilitacija), meritev tihe periode in RC (krivulja vzdražnosti). Teh 5 meritev s TMS nam je pod različnimi pogoji (v stanju brez glasbe, ob ritmični glasbi in ob umirjeni glasbi brez očitnega ritma) povedali, kako se je glede na glasbo spremenilo stanje motorične skorje, njegova osnovna vzdražnost in stanje inhibitornih in facilitatornih intrakortikalnih povezav. Na podlagi podatkov naše raziskave smo lahko delno odgovorili na vprašanje, da predvsem ritmična glasba spreminja določene elektrofiziološke parametre motorične skorje, ampak, da verjetno ni samo ritem glasbe tisti, ki k temu pripomore. Rezultati naše raziskave bi lahko pomagali pri nadaljnjih raziskavah, saj je nujno potrebno, da bolje razumemo, kaj pri glasbi je tisto, kar pomaga bolnikom pri izboljšanju motoričnih sposobnosti.

Keywords:transkranialna magnetna stimulacija, motorična skorja, ritem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[V. Govejšek]
Number of pages:50, [5] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92976 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11619657 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:How does listening to different kinds of music influence excitability of primary motor cortex? - a study with transcranial magnetic stimulation.
In this master thesis, we tried to prove with an experiment, what kind of changes can different kind of music cause on the motor cortex, compared to the states where individuals do not listen to any music. Even though there are more and more people involved in different musical therapies, for example parkinson and dystonia patients, we still do not know today what is the aspect of music that makes the difference and what are the ways of musical effects on brain. That is why, we have to return to the basics, and research building blocks of music and try to figure it out, how music affects motor cortex, and what are the important aspects of music that affect movement. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a very suitable method, which allows us through electromyography (EMG) that we see the changes caused by different factors on primary motor cortex, in real time. We took a sample size of 10 people, all right handed, age between 19 and 35 who did not play music professionally at any point in their lives. We did 5 different measurements with TMS: MEP (motor evoked potential), SICI (short-interval intracortical facilitation), ICF (intracortical facilitation), measurement of a silent period and RC (recruitment curve). These TMS parameters, told us how a state of motor cortex changed, what happened with it’s excitability and it’s inhibitory and facilitatory intracortical connections under 3 different conditions (silence, rhythmical music and music without an obvious rhythm). Based on the results, we were able to partly answer the question that especially rhythmical music affects excitability of a motor cortex in certain ways, but we think that rhythm is not the only aspect of music responsible for it. This data could help in future research, since it is necessary to better understand, what is the aspect of music that makes a difference and actually helps patients with movement dysfunctions.

Keywords:music, music therapy, glasba, glasbena terapija

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