
Lasersko rezanje z ogljikovimi vlakni ojačenih polimerov pri izdelavi ultralahkih letal
ID Zuzek, Štefan (Author), ID Gregorčič, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 5C237F5C67FB1A2FACC4826D81DC4D11
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0bbeee8f-d0e4-43e0-9987-00864d2369e5

Lasersko rezanje lahko predstavlja pomembno rešitev pri rezanju polimerov, ki so ojačeni z ogljikovimi vlakni (CFRP kompoziti). Rezanje CFRP kompozitov je posebej pomembno pri izdelavi ultralahkih letal, kjer jih večinoma režejo z žago, kar je zelo zamudno. Zato smo v tem delu preizkusili različne načine laserskega rezanja CFRP kompozitov. Uporabili smo vlakenski laser z valovno dolžino 1060 nm in spremenljivo dolžino bliska. Eksperimente smo opravili pri dolžini bliskov 28 ns ter povprečni moči 20 W. Preizkusili smo štiri različne strategije rezanja: rezanje po enojni črti, ter tri načine rezanja z graviranjem. Pri rezanju z graviranjem smo žarek vodili po pravokotniku debeline 1 mm, in sicer: po vzporednih črtah (0° graviranje), po medsebojno pravokotnih črtah (0°/90° graviranje) in po črtah pod štirimi različnimi koti (0°/18°/45°/71° graviranje). Preizkuse smo izvedli na dveh CFRP ploščah debelin 1 mm in 2 mm. Ugotovili smo, da je najučinkovitejše rezanje z graviranjem, kjer žarek vodimo v različnih smereh (0°/90° ali 0°/18°/45°/71°). Pri tem izbira smeri nima pomembnega vpliva na učinkovitost in končni rezultat. Z izbranimi parametri smo iz 2 mm plošče uspešno izrezali krog in kvadrat. Rezultati kažejo, da uporabljen nanosekundni vlakenski laserski sistem omogoča fleksibilno lasersko rezanje CFRP kompozitov s podobno dobrim rezom kot ga dobimo pri konvencionalnem in zamudnem rezanju z žago.

Keywords:lasersko rezanje laserska obdelava materialov vlakenski laser polimeri z ogljikovimi vlakni ultralahka letala tehnike in parametri rezanja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92950 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2017
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Title:Laser cutting of carbon fiber reinforced polymers for production of ultralight aircrafts
Laser cutting represents an important solution for cutting carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP). Cutting CFRP is particularly important in the production of ultralight aircrafts, where they are mostly cut with a saw, which is very time-consuming. Therefore, the main aim of this thesis is to test different approaches of laser cutting CFRP composites. We used a fiber laser with a wavelength of 1060 nm. Experiments were performed by using pulse duration of 28 ns and an average power of 20 W. Four different cutting strategies were tested: cutting on a single line and three ways of cutting by an engraving. In the case of cutting by an engraving the laser beam was guided within an 1-mm-thick rectangle: filled by parallel lines (0 ° engraving), filled by perpendicular lines (0°/90° engraving) and filled by lines under four different angles (0°/18°/45°/71° engraving). Tests were performed on two CFRP plates with thicknesses of 1 mm and 2 mm. We have found that the most efficient results are obtained by cutting by engraving, where the beam is guided in different directions (0°/90° or 0°/18°/45°/ 71°). Here, the choice of directions has negligible influence on the efficiency and final result. By using the selected laser parameters we successfully cut a circle and a square from the 2-mm-thick CFRP plate. The results proved that the used nanosecond fiber laser system enables flexible laser cutting of CFRP composites with very similar final result as the conventional and time-consuming cutting by a saw.

Keywords:laser cutting laser material processing fiber laser carbon fiber reinforced polymers ultralight aircrafts cutting techniques and parameters

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