
Učinki desetminutne vadbe med delovnim časom na nekatere gibalne sposobnosti zaposlenih : diplomsko delo
ID Perušek, Klara (Author), ID Dolenc, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 2E582966D334EFD3264D6F40F21F8B12
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/330c55df-abb0-442c-94dc-6ec294a54b94

V diplomski nalogi smo ugotavljali učinke desetminutne vadbe med delovnim časom na nekatere gibalne in aerobne sposobnosti ter počutje zaposlenih. Zasnovali smo program vadbe, ki bi izboljšal gibljivost, moč, ravnotežje in morebiti aerobne sposobnosti, katere smo proučevali in preverjali z izbranimi testi. Pri raziskavi je sodelovalo 9 preizkušancev s povprečno starostjo 43 let ± 8,68. Vsi opravljajo sedeč poklic. Preizkušance smo najprej izmerili z gibalnimi testi, da smo dobili informacije o začetnem stanju gibalnih sposobnostih in jim razdelili vprašalnike. Po 6 tednih smo teste ponovili in takoj pričeli s 6 tedenskim programom omenjene desetminutne vadbe. Ob koncu programa smo udeležence še zadnjič testirali in jim tudi tokrat razdelili kratke vprašalnike. Pridobljene podatke smo vnesli v program SPSS in jih analizirali. Z analizo variance za ponovljene meritve smo ugotavljali, kakšne so razlike v povprečni vrednosti med eksperimentalno in kontrolno skupino ter če so te razlike posledica vadbenega programa ali pa so nastale naključno. Ugotovili smo, da ima vadbeni program pozitivne učinke na gibljivost horizontalnih upogibalk desne roke, upogibalk leve rame in na moč spodnjih okončin. Prav tako so preizkušanci poročali o boljšem počutju po vadbi, o tem, da se sprostijo in zato tudi lažje opravljajo svoje delo naprej. Nekateri so poročali o večji odsotnosti bolečin v ledvenem in vratnem delu hrbtenice ter o večji odsotnosti glavobola. Vadbeni program ni pokazal zadostnega učinka na moč rok, ravnotežje, aerobne sposobnosti in gibljivost iztegovalk trupa ter upogibalk kolena. Na podlagi rezultatov lahko sklepamo, da ima izvajanje gibalnih odmorov pozitiven učinek na gibalni in duševni sistem človeka. Priporočamo jih vsem, ki želijo izboljšati svoje zdravstveno stanje.

Keywords:sedeč poklic, vadba na delovnem mestu, oslabele mišice, zakrčene mišice
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92935 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5148081 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2017
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Secondary language

In a dissertation we were finding out what effect has 6-minute activity break during work on motoric abilities, aerobic abilities and feeling of employees. We made appropriate training that would improve mobility, strength, balance and maybe aerobic abilities, which we checked with chosen tests. The survey included 9 adults with average age of 43 ± 8.68 years. All the participants perform a sitting occupation. First we measured out all participants with locomotor tests to get assessment on the current locomotor abilities and then we distributed questionnaires among them. After 6 weeks we repeated tests and started with 6-weekly 10-minutne training. At the end of the program we tested participants for the last time and distributed short questionnaires about this program. We entered gained data to SPSS and analysed them. With the analysis of variance for repeated measures we were establishing the differences in average value among the experimental and control group, and testing whether these differences are a consequence of a training programme or they arose at random. We established that a training programme has a positive effect on mobility of horizontal flexors of the right arm and flexors of the left shoulder and also on strength of the lower extremities. The participants also reported about better feeling after active break, they were more relaxed and could continue with their work easier. Some reported on smaller pain in lumbar and cervical spine, longer absence of headache and better mobility. Training program does not have sufficient effect on strength of arms, balance, aerobic abilities and mobility of trunk extensors and knee flexors. Based on results we can claim that performance of active break has positive effect on locomotor and mental system of a person. We recommend them to all who want to improve their health condition.

Keywords:sedentary work, exercise on working place, loose muscles, rigid muscles

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