
Širjenje dometa znamk
ID Bernot, Barbara (Avtor), ID Podobnik, Klemen (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Cilj magistrske diplomske naloge z naslovom Širjenje dometa znamk je predstaviti temo, ki je na področju prava intelektualne lastnine zelo zanimiva in o kateri se zadnje čase veliko govori. Zaradi boljšega razumevanja samega pojma znamke ter s tem povezanih pravic je na začetku kratko predstavljen krovni pojem intelektualne lastnine, ki je nato razdeljen na dve podzvrsti – avtorske in sorodne pravice ter industrijsko lastnino. V okviru industrijske lastnine so podrobneje obravnavane znamke, ki predstavljajo tudi osnovo za graditev osrednje teme naloge – širitve dometa znamk. V nadaljevanju sledijo kratko predstavljeni pomembnejši pravni viri, ki se delijo na mednarodne, evropske in nacionalne. Ker so uradi za intelektualno lastnino bistven dejavnik pri samem postopku registracije znamke, bodo predstavljene njihove glavne značilnosti. Kot osrednja tema naloge sledi poglavje o širjenju dometa znamke, kjer se bomo zaradi obsežnega pojma omejili na nekatere nekonvencionalne znamke. Predstavljeni bodo primeri registriranja nekonvencionalnih znamk, ki so v javnosti najbolj znani in za posamezno vrsto znamke predstavljajo temeljni primer, po katerem se obravnavajo podobne zadeve. Z magistrsko diplomsko nalogo želimo bralcu predstaviti pojem znamke ter širino, ki jo zadevni pojem lahko predstavlja. Za lažje razumevanje je znamka umeščena v pravni kontekst in natančneje razčlenjena. V zadnjem delu naloge so povzete ugotovitve magistrskega diplomskega dela hkrati pa so podani načini širjenja dometa znamk.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:pravo intelektualne lastnine, industrijska lastnina, znamke, slogani, barvne znamke, zvok, vonj, okus, širjenje dometa znamk, nekonvencionalne znamke
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:PF - Pravna fakulteta
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92762 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:15667281 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:03.07.2017
Število ogledov:2814
Število prenosov:633
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Expanding the Scope of Trademarks
The ambition of this master’s thesis, titled Expanding the Scope of Trademarks, is to offer an insight into a very interesting area of Intellectual Property Law that is lately being discussed rather frequently. With the intention of acquainting the reader with the concept of a trademark and the rights pertaining thereto, the general concept of intellectual property is initially introduced in the first part, which is then divided into two subcategories - the copyright with other related rights and industrial property. With the latter, we focus on the trademarks that represent the core element for the subject matter of this thesis - expansion of the scope of trademarks. Later on there is briefly listed the relevant legal framework, composed of international, European and national legislation. Furthermore, some basic information about the various national and international Offices is provided, dealing with intellectual property as they play a crucial role in the procedure for the registration of a trademark. With this, the thesis reaches its main topic - expanding the scope of trademarks. In light of the latter being a rather immense concept, the focus is on some of the non-conventional trademarks and thus introduce certain cases of registration of non-conventional trademarks that are most know to the public and are seen as landmark cases for a specific type of trademarks, based on which similar cases are now being decided. With this master’s thesis, we primarily introduce the concept of a trademark to the reader and acquaint them with the possible extent, to which this concept may be interpreted. Before entering into the detailed analysis of the trademark, we first explain the concept through the legal prism so as to provide an easier understanding of the topic. In the last part of the thesis there are summarised findings and our discoveries concerning the expansion of the scope of trademarks.

Ključne besede:intellectual property law, industrial property, trademarks, slogans, colour marks, sound, scent, taste, expanding the scope of trademarks, non-conventional trademarks

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