
Oblikovanje sodobne kolekcije oblačil na temo hortikulture
ID Opara, Anika (Author), ID Sadar, Almira (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 6BDD5D169DD38174D9D5BC3874D4B735
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/ad0242f0-1467-42e0-a06f-053802a63db9

Namen diplomskega dela je bil oblikovanje sodobne ženske in moške kolekcije, inspirirane z delom modnega oblikovalca Yvesa Saint Laurenta in s hortikulturo.V teoretičnem delu sem raziskovala estetiko in razmišljanje oblikovalca Yvesa Saint Laurenta ter njegovo oblikovanje predvsem v 60. letih, ko je na modni brvi prvič predstavil ženski smoking. Ta smoking je sprožil velik odziv in pravo modno revolucijo. Oblikovalec je pogosto sodeloval s fotografom Helmutom Newtonom, ki je med drugim naredil najbolj znano fotografijo smokinga in uspel Saint Laurentovo vizijo o močni ženski prikazati na fotografiji. Kasneje je na modni brvi predstavil kolekcijo transparentnih oblačil, ki je prav tako razburkala javnost. Bil je prvi modni oblikovalec, ki je na brv poslal prosojno žensko bluzo, ki je bila v koraku s časom inspirirana tudi s seksualno revolucijo. V raziskovanje sem vključila drugi val feminizma, ki se je odvijal v istem časovnem obdobju in vplival na oblikovalčevo razmišljanje. V teoretični del sem vključila tudi povezavo med modno hišo Yves Saint Laurent in hortikulturo, ki me je prav tako inspirirala pri oblikovanju kolekcije. V eksperimentalnem delu je predstavljena zaključna ženska in moška kolekcija, imenovana Cenrosed, ki izhaja iz raziskovanja v teoretičnem delu. Ime je izpeljanka angleških besed za vrtnico in cenzuro, kar skozi interpretacijo povezuje celotno žensko in moško kolekcijo. Sodobna »ready-to-wear« ženska kolekcija je namenjena neodvisnim ženskam, ki podpirajo enakopravnost med spoloma in znajo uživati v svoji ženstvenosti.

Keywords:smoking, vrtnica, Yves Saint Laurent, ženska moda, moška moda
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92752 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.07.2017
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Title:Contemporary clothing collection inspired by horticulture
The purpose of this thesis was to design a contemporary women’s and men’s collection inspired by Yves Saint Laurent's work and horticulture. The theoretical part of the research focused on the aesthetics and thinking of fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent, especially his work in the 1960s when he presented his first female tuxedo. The first female tuxedo caused a real sensation and a fashion revolution in the way women dressed. The designer often collaborated with Helmut Newton, a famous photographer who took the most famous photo of Le Smoking and made it iconic by successfully portraying a strong and powerful, yet feminine woman. In 1968, Saint Laurent presented the Transparent Garments Collection. He was the first designer to introduce a completely transparent blouse to the runway. Transparent garments were inspired by the sexual revolution and feminist movements that occurred around the same time. The theoretical part also explored Yves Saint Laurent and his work inspired by horticulture. As for the experimental part, it presented the complete women’s and men’s collection called Cenrosed. The name of the collection combines the words rose and censored, which connects the meaning of the women’s and men’s collection through the interpretation of the name. This modern ready-to-wear collection is designed for strong and independent women that stand for equality and know that being feminine does not entail fragility.

Keywords:tuxedo, rose, Yves Saint Laurent, women’s fashion, men’s fashion

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