
Priprava, tisk in karakterizacija tankih plasti volframovega (VI) oksida za aplikacijo v optoelektronskih strukturah
ID Vidmar, Tjaša (Author), ID Opara Krašovec, Urša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Klanjšek Gunde, Marta (Comentor)

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MD5: 89207076FEE6E6A18E180015FD396F70
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/767157be-baab-457e-9bdd-23ff54bee507

V doktorski disertaciji smo preučevali možnost priprave volframovega (VI) oksida (krajše WO3), sol-gel materiala v obliki funkcionalne tiskarske barve primernega za tisk in integracijo WO3 odtisov v tiskane optoelektronske sisteme. Poudarek raziskave je bil na povezovanju kompleksne sestave funkcionalnega WO3 sol-gel materiala z njegovimi fizikalno-kemijskimi in reološkimi lastnostmi ter preučevanju njegove uporabnosti v kapljičnem tisku. Raziskava je temeljila na prilagoditvi sinteze in sestave WO3 sola, ki je omogočila izdelavo uporabne funkcionalne tiskarske barve za kapljični tisk na nekonvencionalne in površinsko kompleksne tiskovne substrate, kot sta steklo in transparenten prevoden oksid (krajše TCO). To je bil kompleksen izziv, saj je bil izhodiščni WO3 sol prirejen tehniki nanašanja s potapljanjem (ang. dip-coating) in ni bil nikoli prej uporabljen za izdelavo WO3 plasti s kapljičnim tiskom. Sprememba sintezne poti WO3 sola je zahtevala zamenjavo osnovnega visoko hlapnega topila – etanola, z vključitvijo 2-propanola in 2-propoksi etanola. Ker so bile reološke lastnosti WO3 solov primerne tudi za analogno tehnologijo fleksotiska, smo z omenjeno metodo tiska naredili prve uspešne poskuse tiska linij in homogenih ploskev na steklen substrat. Z vključitvijo dodatkov v WO3 sol smo izdelali tudi tri poskusne viskozne WO3 paste, ki so omogočale nanos debelejših plasti s tehniko sitotiska in s tehniko nanašanja s strgalom (ang. doctor blading). Pomemben prispevek k razumevanju uporabnosti sol-gel materialov za kapljični tisk predstavlja študija časovne in termične stabilnosti materiala povezana s transformacijo sola v gel, ki določa časovno uporabnost materiala v tisku in opredeljuje možnost integracije v masovno proizvodnjo. Rezultati reoloških in mikroreoloških lastnosti sola v povezavi s strukturnimi spremembami so opredelili vpliv temperature in staranja na proces gelacije, na katero pa močno vpliva način shranjevanja sola, koncentracija sola, kot tudi vrsta topila, zato je obstojnost solov variirala od nekaj dni do 10 mesecev. Uporabno informacijo o procesu kapljičnega iztisa WO3 solov so nam podale Reynolds, Weber, Ohnesorge in Z fizikalne konstante. Natisnjenim WO3 plastem smo ovrednotili adhezijo, optične lastnosti, topologijo in spektrofotometrične lastnosti. Uporabna vrednost natisnjenih in nanesenih aktivnih WO3 plasti je bila preizkušena v enostavnih fotokromnih (krajše PC) in hibridnih elektrokromnih sistemih (krajše EC) ter prototipni organski sončni celici (krajše OPV). Uspešno smo realizirali EC sistem, ki omogoča optično modulacijo svetlobe v vidnem delu spektra (Tvis) med 50 % in 6 % ter enostaven PC sistem, ki ob enourni izpostavitvi sistema sončni svetlobi (standardni testni pogoji; 1000 W/m2, AM 1,5, T = 25 °C) omogoča modulacijo Tvis med 85 % in 42 %. Pri izdelavi OPV sistema smo se srečevali s številnimi površinskimi interakcijami in interakcijami med plastmi, ki so negativno vplivale na homogenost in funkcionalnost posameznih plasti, zato je bil odziv izdelanega OPV sistema na svetlobo nezadovoljiv. Menimo, da smo z raziskavo pomembno prispevali k boljšemu razumevanju sol-gel materialov za kapljični tisk in pripomogli k uporabnosti le-teh v grafični tehnologiji. Odgovorili smo na veliko kompleksnih vprašanj s področja fizikalno-kemijskih lastnosti WO3 sol-gel materiala ter pokazali, da prilagojena sol-gel sinteza omogoča pripravo natisljivega WO3 materiala. Raziskava potrjuje, da je kapljični tisk, zaradi svoje hitre in enostavne prilagodljivosti uporabniku in nekontaktnega ter natančnega prenosa lahko uporabno orodje pri raziskavah tiska nekonvencionalnih materialov na kompleksne substrate, ki jih optoelektronski sistemi narekujejo.

Keywords:WO3, sol-gel funkcionalna tiskarska barva, kapljični tisk, tiskana elektronika, optoelektronski sistemi
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92655 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:292033792 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.06.2017
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Title:Preparation, printing and characterization of tungsten (VI) oxide thin layers for applications in optoelectronic devices
PhD thesis examines the potential of WO3 sol-gel material to be used as functional ink for inkjet printing and integration of WO3 printouts in printed optoelectronic systems. The research evaluates the correlation of the complex composition of functional WO3 sol-gel material to its physico-chemical and rheological properties and evaluates the printability of the material with inkjet printing technique. The main focus of the research was the modification of the sol-gel synthesis and the composition of WO3 sol, which enabled the development of functional inks for inkjet printing on unconventional and complex surfaces, such as glass and transparent conductive oxide (TCO). The challenge was very complex as the starting WO3 sol was tailored for dip-coating technique and has never been used before in inkjet printing. The replacement of highly volatile solvent - ethanol, with of 2-propanol and 2-propoxy ethanol was needed in synthesis of WO3 sol. Rheological properties of the modified WO3 sols were also suitable for analogue flexographic technology, as demonstrated with precise lines and homogeneous surfaces on glass substrate made with flexographic printing. In addition, incorporation of additives in the WO3 sol enabled production of test viscous WO3 paste, which allowed the deposition of thick layers with screen printing and doctor blading technique. An important contribution to the understanding and usefulness of sol-gel materials for inkjet printing represents the study of time and thermal stability of sol-gel materials associated with the transition of sol to gel, which evaluates the applicability of the material to be used in printing industry and mass production. The results of rheological and micro-rheological properties of sol in connection with structural changes have described the effect of temperature and aging on the process of gelation, which is strongly affected also by storage conditions, sol concentration and the type of the solvent used, therefore the stability of sols varies from few days up to 10 months. Useful information about the drop formation process of WO3 sols were given with Reynolds, Weber, Ohnesorge and Z dimensionless numbers. Adhesion, optical properties, topology and the spectrophotometric characteristics of WO3 printouts were evaluated. The functionality of printed WO3 layers was tested in simple photochromic (PC) and hybrid electrochromic systems (EC) and organic solar cell prototype (OPV). Realized EC system enabled optical modulation in the visible part of the spectrum (Tvis) between 50 % and 6 %, while PC system between 85 % and 42 % under one-hour exposure to the sunlight (standard test conditions; 1000 W /m2, AM 1.5, T = 25 °C). We were faced with numerous problems in the development of OPV system, like surface interactions and interactions between the layers, which have a negative impact on the homogeneity and functionality of the individual layer, therefore the response of OPV system was insufficient. In overall, we believe, that the study made a significant contribution to a better understanding of the sol-gel materials and their applicability in inkjet printing and moreover in the broad spectrum of graphic technologies. We answered to many complex questions in the field of physico-chemical properties of WO3 sol-gel materials, and demonstrated that the modification of sol-gel synthesis route enabled the preparation of printable WO3 material. We have shown that inkjet printing is a useful technique in the research of printing unconventional materials on complex substrates, due to its fast and easy adaptability to the user and contact-less and precise transfer, required by optoelectronic systems.

Keywords:WO3, Sol-gel functional ink, Inkjet printing, Printed electronics, Optoelectronic systems

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