In line with the order on removal and cleaning of urban waste water (Gazette RS, no. 98/15) the municipality of Kočevje must undertake to provide and assure sewage network in certain settlements by the year 2021. Some settlements that will be provided with a sewage canal system and cleaning units are Kočevska Reka, Novi Lazi, Štalcerji and Morava. In choosing the appropriate option for the sewage system, the best economic and technologic solution must be found. The thesis considers three possible solutions regarding the removal and cleaning of waste water in the chosen settlements. The option whereby each settlement has it's own waste water cleaning unit with constructed wetland or SBR was analyzed. The alternative using several small cleaning units and one small common cleaning unit was also considered. All options are cost – evaluated.
In long – term planning, the best cost – effective and technically most advantageous options are such where each settlement has it's own cleaning unit. The other two options especially the one with common small treatment plant are more expensive.