Local self-government has rich history in Europe and as well in Slovenia. During time has changed a lot. There where periods of centralisation and later decentralization, which brought local self-government closer to their people. Local self-government gained on her importanc in the last century, when democratic sociaties developed rapidly and that how local self-government became main goal to all cemocraticlly oriented countries. When we talk about decentralization, it`s important to know that local communities have to have financial autonomy. Also decentralization means, that it`s necessary to take into account the principle od subsidiarity, which is the main principle of European Charter of Local Self-Government. In Slovenija we currently have 212 municipalities and one or them is municipality Velike Lašče, which has really rich history and is one of the oldest municipalities of today`s Republic of Slovenia. As municipality first appears in 1913 when she gained awarded market rights. In my thesis I will introduce you Slovenian municipalities and especially I present you the history and work of municipality Velike Lašče.