Stress is a common phenomenon in everyday life. Employees are in addition to the daily stress we encounter, exposed to stress at the workplace. If the leader know exactly what employees lead to stress in the workplace, they would certainly be helped, if the work was still done efficiently and with the highest possible quality.
In this thesis I theoretically define the concept of stress, causes of its origin and consequences, and other terms associated with it. I also conducted a survey about stress at the workplace in home of old people Kočevje. I wanted to know the extent to which employees are exposed to stress at the workplace, mainly because their work is intended to supply the people. I divided the 50 questionnaires among employees in all departments.
I found out that most of the employees in Home of old people Kočevje is exposed to stress at work. The most are exposed to stress employees who perform physical work in the kitchen, the laundry room, in the area of maintenance and cleaning as well as in the health care unit.