
ID OMERZELJ, ADRIJANA (Author), ID Ivanko, Štefan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 549E95AA77C4D09DAC1B8987E2801335
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b93c4d92-e902-4357-8a1f-138aae44b7ef

Policijsko delo je v vsaki demokratični družbi urejeno z ustavnimi, zakonskimi in podzakonskimi določili, ki delujejo znotraj nekega socialnega in kulturnega območja regije oziroma države. Policijsko delo pozna številne posebne položaje, v katerih morajo policisti intervenirati zaradi neetičnih ravnanj, ki ogrožajo varnost ljudi. Policisti delujejo torej v nemoralnih okoliščinah, kljub temu pa morajo pri kršiteljih vseskozi upoštevati dostojanstvo človekove osebe. Ravno v tem je posebnost policijskega poklica in prav iz tega dejstva se porajajo različna moralno-etična vprašanja, ki se jih policisti včasih niti ne zavedajo. Za uspešno izvajanje nalog potrebujejo policisti posebna pooblastila. Eno od policijskih pooblastil je tudi uporaba prisilnih sredstev, ki je poleg etike ena izmed glavnih tem diplomske naloge. Da bi razumeli koncept celotne diplomske naloge, so v prvem delu opisani osnovni pojmi, kot so policijsko delo in etika, vrste prisilnih sredstev in temeljna načela za uporabo prisilnih sredstev, ki so osnovna podlaga, po kateri morajo policisti pri uporabi prisilnih sredstev ravnati zakonito ter na human in dostojen način. Opisana je tudi vloga in pomen etike pri uporabi prisilnih sredstev ter kodeks policijske etike, ki je namenjen ozaveščanju policistov o pomenu spoštovanja etičnih načel in krepitvi etičnega oziroma moralnega ravnanja v praksi. V drugem delu sledi izvedba raziskave, ki temelji na analizi statističnih podatkov o uporabi prisilnih sredstev, poškodbah, ki nastanejo pri uporabi prisilnih sredstev ter stanju kršiteljev med uporabo prisilnih sredstev. Na koncu so podani še predlogi za izboljšave.

Keywords:policija, policijsko delo, etika, prisilna sredstva, etična vprašanja, kodeks policijske etike
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92569 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.06.2017
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Secondary language

In every democratic society, police work is regulated by the constitutional, statutory and regulatory provisions, which operate within a social and cultural area of a region or country. Police work includes a number of specific situations, in which the police officers must intervene due to unethical practices that jeopardize the safety of people. Therefore, police officers work in immoral circumstances, in which they always have to take into account the dignity of the human person. This is precisely the specialty of the police profession and also a fact that raises various moral and ethical issues, which police officers sometimes do not even realize. For the successful implementation of the tasks, officers need special license and power. One of them is the use of coercive means, which is besides ethics, one of the main topics of this thesis. To understand the concept of the whole thesis, the first part describes the basic concepts such as police work and ethics, types of coercive measures and fundamental principles for the use of them. These are primary basis, after which police officers must act when they use coercive means. They have to act lawfully and in a humane and dignified manner. The role and importance of ethics when using coercive measures and the code of police ethics, which is intended to raise awareness of police officers on the importance of respect for ethical principles and the strengthening of ethical and moral conduct in practice is also described. In the second part of the thesis follows the execution of the research, which is based on the analysis of statistical data on the use of coercive means, the injuries resulting from the use of them and the state of the offenders during the usage of coercive means. At the end there are given suggestions for improvements.

Keywords:police, police work, ethics, coercive means, ethical issues, code of police ethics

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