
Doživljanje stresa na delovnem mestu vzgojiteljic in pomočnic vzgojiteljic: primer štajerske regije : študija primera
ID Rajšp, Nuša (Author), ID Kukec, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kacjan Žgajnar, Katarina (Comentor)

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MD5: D2A4E94F71343928AE2A01EBF7F320BA
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0dcaa4e3-a06f-4bb5-90fb-733d1c6aead7

Uvod: Vedno več je raziskav na področju delovnega stresa, ki ima dokazano negativne učinke na zdravje. Poklic vzgojiteljice in pomočnice vzgojiteljice spada med zahtevnejše in obremenjujoče poklice, saj skrbijo za razvoj otrokovih telesnih in duševnih sposobnosti. Večina do sedaj objavljenih raziskav je ocenjevala vpliv delovnega stresa na zdravje pri osnovnošolskih in srednješolskih učiteljih. V zadnjem letu je bila opravljena raziskava o dejavnikih tveganja za delovni stres pri vzgojnem osebju v vrtcih na območju celotne Slovenije. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je opredeliti potencialne dejavnike tveganja, ki jih vzgojno osebje doživlja kot stresne na delovnem mestu v vrtcih štajerske regije. Metode dela: Podatke o doživljanju stresa na delovnem mestu in potencialnih dejavnikih tveganja, smo za raziskavo pridobili s pomočjo vprašalnika, ki je bil razposlan v štajerske vrtce. V presečni raziskavi je sodelovalo 508 vzgojiteljic in pomočnic vzgojiteljic. S pomočjo vprašalnika smo pridobili potrebne demografske podatke in podatke o dejavnikih tveganja, ki vplivajo na doživljanje stresa pri vzgojnem osebju. Za oceno razlik doživljanja delovnega stresa (psihološke zahteve, obvladovanje dela in kvaliteta opore delovnega okolja) med vzgojiteljicami in pomočnicami vzgojiteljic smo uporabili parametrični t-test. Rezultate smo obdelali s pomočjo programa SPSS verzija 21. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave so pokazali statistično značilne razlike med odgovori vzgojiteljic in pomočnic vzgojiteljic v sklopih psihološke zahteve (p = 0,044), obvladovanje dela (p < 0,001) in združenih odgovorih o doživljanju delovnega stresa (p = 0,019). Pri ocenjevanju vpliva kvalitete opore delovnega okolja rezultati niso pokazali statistično značilnih razlik med odgovori vzgojiteljic in pomočnic vzgojiteljic. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da obstaja povezanost med delovnim stresom vzgojnega osebja in psihološkimi zahtevami, obvladovanjem dela in vsemi sklopi. Na podlagi rezultatov lahko sklepamo, da so pomočnice vzgojiteljic bolj obremenjene kot vzgojiteljice. Vzgojiteljice imajo višje psihološke zahteve in boljše obvladujejo svoje delo kot pomočnice vzgojiteljic. Glede na rezultate vseh sklopov doživljajo delovno mesto manj stresno kot pomočnice vzgojiteljic. Aktivnosti za zmanjšanje stresa pri vzgojnem osebju v vrtcih je potrebno usmeriti v ocenjevanje in obvladovanje okoljskih in družbenih dejavnikov tveganja v vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanovah.

Keywords:delovni stres, vzgojiteljica, pomočnica vzgojiteljice, psihološke zahteve, obvladovanje dela, kvaliteta opore delovnega mesta
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92538 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5264747 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.06.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Experiencing stress in the workplace kindergarten teachers and assistants: example štajerska region : case study
Introduction: Research concerning work-related stress that has a proven negative impact on health is quickly gaining traction. Preschool teacher and preschool assistant teacher professions are considered difficult and burdensome, as they attend to the physical and mental needs of children. The majority of published research up to now has assessed the influence of work-related stress on elementary school and high school teachers’ health. A research paper concerning the factors for the risk of work-related stress has been published this year. The paper focused on work-related stress in educational staff for the whole of Slovenia. Purpose: The purpose of this master’s thesis is to assess the potential risk factors that the educational staff experience as occupational stress in kindergartens of the Slovenian Styrian (Štajerska) region. Methods: The data on work-related stress and potential risk factors that apply to this research paper has been gained by the means of a questionnaire that was sent out to Styrian kindergartens. A total of 508 preschool and assistant preschool teachers have participated in this cross-sectional study. The demographic data and risk factor data that has influence on experiencing stress in educational staff was acquired through the questionnaire. To evaluate the differences and variety in experiencing work-related stress (psychological demands, decision latitude, and the quality of a supportive working environment i.e. social support) in preschool and assistant preschool teachers, a parametric t-test was used. The results were processed using the SPSS program, version 21. Results: The results of the study have shown statistically typical differences in answers among preschool and assistant preschool teachers as a part of psychological demands (p=0,044), decision latitude (p<0,001) and the combined answers regarding experiencing work-related stress (p=0,019). When assessing the impact the quality of a supportive working environment i.e. social support has on preschool and assistant preschool teachers, no statistically typical differences have been found in the two group’s answers. Discussion and conclusion: It has been ascertained that a correlation exists between work-related stress in educational staff and the psychological demands, the decision latitude, and all the parameters. On the basis of these results, it can be assumed that their assistant counterparts are under more pressure than preschool teachers. Teachers have higher psychological demands and they better manage their decision latitude as assistant teachers. According to the results of all the parameters they are experiencing less stress as assistant teachers. The activities to alleviate stress in educational staff in kindergartens have to be oriented toward the assessment and control of environmental and societal risk factors in educational institutions.

Keywords:work related stress, preschool teacher, preschool assistant teacher, psychological demands, decision latitude, social support

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