
Glasbena terapija : nosečnost, porod in poporodno obdobje
ID Hlebanja, Anita (Author), ID Zakšek, Teja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/d6a95a56-22fb-4d4a-aa2d-de4998bd7cfe

Uvod: Glasba, ki jo poslušamo skozi vsa obdobja v življenju, vpliva na celotno telo posameznika, predvsem na razpoloženje. Pozitiven vpliv ima tudi na žensko in njenega otroka v času nosečnosti, med porodom ter po njem. Glasbena terapija je metoda, ki je čedalje popularnejša po celem svetu in se je nedolgo nazaj pričela razvijati kot samostojna disciplina, v katero sta vključena glasbeni terapevt in posameznik. Pozitivne učinke glasbe so poznali že pred več kot sto, Egipčani pa so jo uporabljali že pred 4000 leti. Namen: Pregledati na dokazih temelječe študije o glasbeni terapiji z namenom prikazati učinke glasbe na ljudi, predvsem na žensko in njenega otroka med nosečnostjo, porodom in po njem. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna ali opisna metoda dela s sistematičnim pregledom, oceno in analizo domače ter tuje znanstvene in strokovne literature. Opravljen je bil tudi intervju z doktorico glasbene pedagogike. Literaturo je avtorica iskala z uporabo znanstvenih podatkovnih baz Cobiss, DiKUL, Google učenjak, Cochrane Library, ScienceDirect, ProQuest, Cinahl, PubMed in Medline. Rezultati: Ženske, ki so v času nosečnosti uporabljale glasbeno terapijo, so bile manj podvržene stresu, ki lahko vodi v otožnost, anksioznost ali celo depresijo. To so dokazale tri študije. Otroci, ki so v času nosečnosti izpostavljeni določeni glasbi, jo proti koncu nosečnosti že prepoznajo, kar jih lahko zelo umiri. Tudi med samim porodom ter po njem jih znana glasba pomiri, ob njej pa se počutijo varnejše. V treh raziskavah so dokazali, da ima glasbena terapija med porodom pozitiven učinek na žensko, saj se med poslušanjem glasbe osredotoča na njen ritem, melodijo ali besedilo, kar vpliva na hitreje minljiv čas, znosnejše popadke in občutek boljše dejavnosti. Poslušanje glasbe po porodu predvsem vpliva na psihična stanja posameznic, kot so otožnost, anksioznost ter poporodna depresija in ki so v današnjem času precej pogoste. To je bilo dokazano v dveh študijah. Razprava: Glasbena terapija je v času nosečnosti, med porodom ter po njem primerna predvsem za preprečevanje psiholoških stanj, ki so v teh obdobjih problematična. Dokazani so pozitivni učinki tako na žensko kot na njenega otroka, hkrati pa je glasbena terapija popolnoma neinvazivna metoda oziroma terapija.

Keywords:diplomska dela, babištvo, glasbena terapija, vpliv na žensko in njenega otroka, nosečnost, porod, poporodno obdobje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher: [A. Hlebanja]
Number of pages:44 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92493 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5259627 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.06.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Music therapy : pregnancy, labour and the puerperium
Introduction: Music which we listen to throughout lifetime affects our entire body, particularly the mood. It also has a positive effect on a woman and her child during pregnancy, labour and in the postpartum period. Music therapy is a method that is becoming increasingly popular worldwide and has only recently begun to evolve into an independent discipline, which includes a music therapist and a client. Positive effects of music have been known for over a hundred years and it was used as early as 4000 years ago by the Egyptians. Objectives: To review evidence-based research on music therapy in order to show what effects music has on people, especially on the woman and her baby during pregnancy, labour and after birth. Methods: A descriptive method of empirical research with a systematic review, evaluation and analysis of domestic and foreign scientific and technical literature was used. An interview with a PhD graduate in music pedagogy was conducted. Literature was obtained from scientific databases Cobiss, DiKUL, Google Scholar, Cochrane Library, ScienceDirect, ProQuest, Cinahl, PubMed and Medline. Results: Women who integrated music therapy into their pregnancies experienced less stress, which can cause sadness, anxiety or even depression. Three studies demonstrated such effects. Children who are exposed to certain music during pregnancy can identify it close to term, which may have a very calming effect on them. Even during labour and after, familiar music makes children feel calm and safer. Three studies have proven that music therapy positively affects the labouring woman because listening to music makes her focus on its rhythm, melody or lyrics, which causes faster time lapse, more bearable contractions and a feeling of active involvement. Listening to music after birth mainly affects the psychological state of individual women such as sadness, anxiety and postpartum depression, which nowadays happen quite frequently. It was confirmed by two studies. Discussion and conclusion: Music therapy during pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period is particularly suitable for the prevention of psychological states that appear problematic at these times. Positive effects on the woman and her child have been proven, and what is more, the method or therapy is totally non-invasive.

Keywords:diploma theses, midwifery, music therapy, effect on the woman and her baby, pregnancy, labour, puerperium

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