
Vloga medicinske sestre pri pacientu po zastrupitvi s korozivnimi kemikalijami : prikaz primera
ID Mitevski, Marija (Author), ID Sazonov, Amalija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Brvar, Miran (Comentor)

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MD5: 0112FF1C57A8B77BE4220F5F7223BB75
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/07772723-7797-4859-9141-1874e81925f5

IZVLEČEK Uvod: V sedanjem času so korozivne kemikalije vse bolj dostopne. Kupimo jih lahko v trgovini ali v posebnih specializiranih trgovinah, najpogosteje za namen čiščenja. Ob tem pa lahko človeka, ki je čustveno labilen in ne vidi več izhoda, hitro zavede misel na suicid s pomočjo zlorabe omenjenih sredstev. Samopoškodovanje je dejanje, ko človek sam naredi škodo na lastnem telesu. Najhuje je takrat, ko pride do poškodb, ki imajo hude in trajne posledice. Da gre za namerno dejanje človeka, ki je v stiski, ni dvoma. Posledice takšnega dejanja pa lahko ostanejo doživljenjske. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je opisati zastrupitve s korozivnimi sredstvi ter poškodbe in posledice, ki jih doživi pacient, ko gre za poskus samomora. Cilj diplomskega dela je prikazati zdravstveno nego pacienta po zastrupitvi s korozivnimi kemikalijami. Metoda dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela. Pregledana je bila izbrana strokovna in znanstvena literatura v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku s področja zdravstvene nege pacienta, toksikologije in prve pomoči v obdobju od 2004 do 2017. Zdravstvena nega pacienta, po zaužitju korozivnega sredstva, v prikazu primera je obravnavana po temeljnih življenjskih aktivnostih s pomočjo teoretičnga modela Virginie Henderson. Razprava in sklep: Korozivne kemikalije so lahko vzrok za namerne ali nenamerne poškodbe. Zgodi se, da so korozivne kemikalije hranjene v neoriginalni embalaži, celo v steklenici mineralne vode. Pri poškodbah s korozivnimi kemikalijami je pomembno, da medicinske sestre pri obravnavi pacienta natančno obvladajo kakovostno in varno zdravstveno nego. Pomembno je sodelovanje celotnega tima. Medicinska sestra ugotavlja odklone od pozitivnega zdravja, pravočasno ukrepa in s strokovnim delom pripomore k učinkovitemu zdravljenju in čimprejšnjemu okrevanju pacienta.  

Keywords:zdravstvena nega, koroziv, zaužitje, kemična snov, namerna zastrupitev, alkalne poškodbe
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92489 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5261419 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.06.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The role of the nurse after patient's poisoning with corrosive chemicals : case study
Introduction: Nowadays, corrosive chemicals have become more and more available to the ordinary people. One can find them both in an ordinary store or in a special-purpose cleaning store. For a person whose state is mentally unstable, either as a result of some psychological depressive episode or another physical damage, such availability can be seductive to the thought of doing self-harm, or even performing suicide. Self-harming is an action by which a person causes damage to their own body. It can lead to serious and long-term consequences for the person’s physical and psychological state. There is no doubt that the person is performing the act purposefully and consciously. Unfortunately, very often the consequences remain permanent. Purpose: The purpose of the graduation thesis is describing the process of poisoning in the cases of taking/abusing corrosive chemicals and the damages and injuries it can cause to the patient in the case of a suicide attempt. The goal is to elaborate on the medical care that a patient gets when poisoned with a corrosive chemical. Methods: A descriptive working methodology was employed. Selected professional and scientific literature was revised in both Slovenian and English languages from the fields of: healthcare of the patient, toxicology and first aid during the period 2004-2017. In the display case, the healthcare of the patient (after ingestion of corrosive agents) is dealt with by performing fundamental life activities based on the theoretical model of Virginia Henderson. Discussion and conclusion: Corrosive chemicals may cause intentional or unintentional injuries. There are registered cases of storing corrosive chemicals in non-original packaging, even in bottles of mineral water. In cases of injuries with corrosive chemicals, it is crucial that the nurses cope with the situation by providing high-quality and safe care to the patients. It is also important for the whole medical team to cooperate. Generally, the nurse observes any deviations from a normal health-state and provides timely measures through a professional work to contribute for the patient's effective treatment.

Keywords:healthcare, corrosive, ingestion, chemical substance, intentional poisoning, alkaline injury

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