
Dejavniki, ki zmanjšujejo uspešnost dojenja pri otročnicah in vloga medicinskih sester : pregled literature
ID Valenčič, Helena (Author), ID Thaler, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 65D3B6112EE091EE738AF6088DEE1FA2
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c019e7b5-c0bf-4047-88a6-aa71ea432be1

Uvod: Raziskave kažejo, da večina žensk pred porodom idealizira dojenje in pogosto niso pripravljene na kakršne koli težave. Vendar pa tako tuje kot slovenske raziskave kažejo, da so najpogostejši vir prezgodnjega opuščanja dojenja prav različne težave. Raziskave kažejo, da matere po rojstvu otroka pogosto izgubijo občutek svobode in neodvisnosti. S pridobitvijo nove vloge se pomembno spremeni tudi njihov življenjski slog, saj njihov vsakdan v glavnem zapolnjuje skrb za dojenčka, ki nedvomno zahteva večjo prisotnost matere ob dojenčku kot hranjenje z mlečno formulo. Prav tako raziskave prikazujejo, da je materin občutek, da mora biti nenehno na razpolago, včasih povod za slabo razpoloženje, utrujenost, stisko ali celo opuščanje dojenja. Negativen odnos o dojenju ali zaplet pri dojenju vodijo ženske k hranjenju z mlečno formulo že od rojstva otroka ali pa dojenju namenijo le kratek čas. Namen: Predstavili bomo razloge opuščanja dojenja in jih predstavili za lažje razumevanje mater medicinskim sestram. Predstavljen bo tudi vpliv medicinskih sester s pristopom in promocijo dojenja. Pri tem bomo pregledali, kateri so odločilni faktorji tveganja in razlogi opuščanja, ki so postavljeni tudi v slovenski prostor. Metode: Pri izdelavi diplomskega dela je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda s študijem, zbiranjem, kritično presojo in analizo domače in tuje strokovne kot znanstvene literature, ki vključujejo raziskave o prenehanju dojenja v različnih okoljih in situacijah in razlage, ter strokovna dejstva o dojenju oz. prenehanju dojenja. Diskusija in zaključek: Do dva odstotka otročnic fizično ni sposobnih za dojenje. Velika večina primerov, kjer dojenje ni vzpostavljeno ali je zgodaj prekinjeno, je to zaradi socioloških in osebnih faktorjev, kot pa zaradi bioloških. Zaradi porasta debelosti v zahodni kulturi je dojenje postalo ena glavnih točk promocije zdravja v javno-zdravstveni sferi. Ustrezna podpora ima pozitiven efekt na žensko odločitev, trajanje in izkušnjo dojenja. Prepoznavanje žensk z dejavniki tveganja za opustitev dojenja in pomagati mamam pri dojenju je ena glavnih nalog medicinskih sester v porodništvu. Ključne besede: dojenje, opuščanje dojenja, medicinska sestra, promocija dojenja.

Keywords:dojenje, opuščanje dojenja, medicinska sestra, promocija dojenja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92487 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5261675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.06.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Factors which reduce the effectiveness of the breastfeeding and the role of nurses : literature review
Introduction: Research has shown that most women idealize the concept and practicalities of breastfeeding prior to giving birth. As a consequence, they are often not ready for any problems that occur. Both foreign and local research indicate that this unpreparedness is the primary reason for mothers to quit breastfeeding a short time after birth. Research has also shown that some new mothers tend to lose their sense of freedom and independence after childbirth because their lifestyle is adversely affected due to their new role. Their everyday life revolves mostly in the care for the child, which requires the mother's presence. Feeding the child with the formula milk reduces the requirement of the mothers presence. Research indicated that the mothers developed the effect of feeling that they were constantly at their child's disposal. This lead to developing bad moods, fatigue, distress, and quitting breastfeeding altogether. The negative attitude toward breastfeeding and complications arising from the breastfeeding process lead to feeding the child with the milk formula from the child's birth or soon after. Purpose: This thesis discusses a multitude of reasons for new mothers quitting breastfeeding and analyzing those reasons to make healthcare staff aware of the problems facing the new mother. As a result of the healthcare staff becoming more aware of the problems and reasons why new mothers are quitting breastfeeding, they can refine their approach to having mothers implement or continue the breastfeeding process. These factors are the main reason for mothers quitting breastfeeding in Slovenia. Methods: The diploma thesis implements the descriptive methods of research, data gathering, critical assessment and the analysis of the local and foreign professional literature, which analyses the research on breastfeeding or quitting breastfeeding. Discussion and conclusion: Up to 2 % of mothers are physically not capable of breastfeeding. It is for this segment that the formula milk is made. In normal circumstances, breastfeeding is mostly never implemented or it is prematurely ended due to sociological or personal factors rather than biological obstacles. A suitable support system can have positive effects on the women's decision to breastfeed, its duration and the experience itself. One additional benefit of breastfeeding, the research shows, is that children who are breastfed are less prone to obesity in adulthood. One of the most important missions of the nurses in obstetrics is to recognize women who have the risk factors of quitting breastfeeding and assisting those mothers in the breastfeeding process. Keywords: breastfeeding, quitting breastfeeding, nurse, promotion of breastfeeding.

Keywords:breastfeeding, quitting breastfeeding, nurse, promotion of breastfeeding

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