
Aktivnosti na čustvenem in socialnem področju za učence s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja : magistrsko delo
ID Simončič, Ana (Author), ID Jerman, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava čustvene in socialne težave v populaciji učencev s specifičnimi učnimi težavami (v nadaljevanju SUT) oziroma primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja (v nadaljevanju PPPU). Ugotavljala sem, ali strokovni delavci šol opazijo razlike med tema dvema populacijama na čustvenem in socialnem področju in kakšne aktivnosti oziroma strategije uporabljajo za preprečevanje nastajanja oziroma poglabljanja težav na omenjenih dveh področjih. Zanimalo me je tudi, katere aktivnosti in strategije se jim zdijo primerne za populacijo učencev s SUT/PPPU. V ta namen sem sestavila anketni vprašalnik. Izbrala sem namenski vzorec, ki je zajemal različne profile strokovnih delavcev rednih osnovnih šol, in sicer učitelje razrednega pouka, specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagoge, ki izvajajo dodatno strokovno pomoč z učenci, usmerjenimi v izobraževalne programe s prilagojenim izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno pomočjo, in svetovalne delavce, ki po izobrazbi niso specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi. Uporabila sem deskriptivno in kavzalno neeksperimentalno metodo raziskovanja. Raziskovalna pristopa sta bila kvalitativni in kvantitativni. Ugotovila sem, da razlike na čustvenem in socialnem področju med učenci s SUT/PPPU in tistimi brez njih opaža več kot polovica strokovnih delavcev, vključenih v raziskavo, za preprečevanje nastajanja in poglabljanja težav na teh dveh področjih pa večinoma uporabljajo bolj znane strategije in metode. Na podlagi dobljenih odgovorov sodelujočih v raziskavi in pregleda ustrezne strokovne literature sem oblikovala nabor možnih aktivnosti in strategij, ki jih bodo strokovni delavci šol lahko uporabili za delo na teh dveh področjih z učenci s SUT/PPPU. Znanstveni prispevek magistrskega dela so ugotovitve o vrsti in pogostosti težav na čustvenem in socialnem področju v populaciji učencev s SUT/PPPU, ki jih navaja strokovna literatura in jih opažajo strokovni delavci šol, aplikativni prispevek pa so zbrane aktivnosti in strategije za preprečevanje nastajanja oziroma poglabljanja težav na čustvenem in socialnem področju za učence s SUT/PPPU.

Keywords:psihosocialne težave, specifične učne težave, aktivnosti, strategije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[A. Simončič]
Number of pages:66 str., [7] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92416 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11560009 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Activites in emotional and social areas for students with specific learning disabilities in elementary school
This master thesis deals with emotional and social problems in the population of pupils with specific learning difficulties (SpLD). I examined if school professionals notice the difference between the two populations in emotional and social domains, and what activities or strategies they use to prevent or deepen problems in these two areas. I was also interested in what activities and strategies they find appropriate for the population of pupils with SpLD. Therefore, I created a questionnaire. I selected a purposive sample which covered the different profiles of professionals in regular elementary schools, namely teachers, special educational needs teachers who provide additional professional assistance for the students with SpLD in regular elementary schools, and school counsellors who are not special educational needs teachers by profession. I used descriptive and causal non-experimental method of research. The research approach was qualitative and quantitative. I found out that more than half of the school professionals who were included in the survey noticed the differences in emotional and social fields among students with SpLD and those without them. For the prevention and deepening of difficulties in these two areas school professionals use mostly well-known strategies and methods. In this master thesis I collected a list of possible activities and strategies that school professionals can integrate into their practice to work on these two areas with pupils with SpLD. This list is based on the responses of the participants included in the study and on the review of the relevant scientific literature. The scientific contribution of the master thesis are the findings on the type and frequency of problems in the emotional and social area in the population of students with SpLD based on academic publishing and observations conducted by school professionals. The applied contribution is a collection of activities and strategies for the prevention or deepening of difficulties in the emotional and social area for students with SpLD.

Keywords:primary education, learning difficulty, osnovnošolski pouk, učne težave

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