
ID Ergaver, Gregor (Author), ID Trontelj, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 5E7ABC7CA589527DDE33921AFC903B58
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/62b7d7fa-dcb1-4e87-82b1-829e1bd1e8b6

Stroge zahteve po elektromagnetni združljivosti elektronskih naprav v avtomobilski industriji ženejo načrtovalce k iskanju optimalnih, cenovno dostopnih rešitev EMC izzivov že v začetni fazi priprave koncepta elektronske naprave. Elektromagnetno združljivost koncepta se navadno preverja šele, ko je na voljo njegov prototip. Disertacija predstavlja simulacijske modele in algoritme, ki omogočajo načrtovalcem oceno oziroma izračun elektromagnetnih sevalne emisij virtualnega modela koncepta elektronske naprave. Simulacijski modeli omogočajo analizo elektromagnetnih sevalnih emisij ter omogočajo zaznavanje in predhodno reševanje potencialnih problemov, v povezavi z zmanjševanjem nivojev emisij. Na podlagi merilne postavitve ožičenja iz standarda CISPR25 smo izdelali model za oceno elektromagnetnih sevalnih emisij ožičenja elektronske naprave. Model za izračun sevalnih emisij potrebuje porazdelitev amplitude in faze sofaznega toka ožičenja, ki ga izračunamo z modelom za oceno amplitude in faze sofaznega toka ožičenja. Model omogoča izračun amplitude in faze sofaznega toka ožičenja iz rezultatov simulacij celotnega modela za oceno nivojev elektromagnetnih sevalnih emisij v časovnem ali frekvenčnem prostoru. Simulacijski model vključuje tudi simulirane dejanske gradnike elektronske naprave npr. tiskano vezje, priključki, integrirano vezje, ožičenje, zaključitve ožičenja idr. V delu smo se osredotočili na elektronsko napravo, katere izvor emisij se nahaja v digitalnem delu CMOS integriranega vezja. Izdelali smo tudi model EMI sprejemnika, ki pretvori rezultate simulacij iz časovnega v frekvenčni prostor z upoštevanjem lastnosti EMI sprejemnika in tudi kot rezultat vrne pravilno fazo spektra. Oba modela, model za oceno amplitude in faze sofaznega toka ožičenja in model za oceno nivojev elektromagnetnih sevalnih emisij ožičenja smo verificirali v dveh EMC laboratorijih akreditiranih po standardu ISO/IEC 17025. V zadnjem delu disertacije predstavimo modeliranje sevalnih emisij testnega elektronskega vezja, ki bi bil namenjen za implementacijo senzorske aplikacije za vgradnjo v avtomobilski industriji. Elektronsko vezje vsebuje načrtano CMOS integrirano vezje, ki je poglaviten izvor elektromagnetnih emisij. Načrtali smo dve verziji integriranega vezja, ki se razlikujeta v načinu preklapljanja sinhronega digitalnega dela. V REF verziji integriranega vezja vse celice digitalnega dela preklapljajo sočasno, v SCT verziji pa je preklapljanje celic digitalnega dela razporejeno v eni periodi urinega cikla (ang. clock-skew). Izdelali smo simulacijske modele v časovnem in frekvenčnem prostoru za oceno prevodnih emisij integriranega vezja in rezultate simulacij primerjali z meritvami. Izdelali smo tudi simulacijske modele v časovnem in frekvenčnem prostoru za oceno sevalnih emisij elektronske naprave z integriranim vezje in rezultate primerjali z meritvami. Odstopanja med meritvami in rezultati simulacij smo analizirali ter izpostavili glavne vzroke za odstopanja.

Keywords:elektromagnetne sevalne emisije, elektromagnetne prevodne emisije integriranega vezja, avtomobilska industrija, CISPR25 standard, Hertzov dipol, sofazni tok, EMI sprejemnik, STFT, ožičenje, integrirano vezje, ICEM-CE model
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92362 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11759444 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.05.2017
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Secondary language

Strict EMC requirements for an automotive electronic component force designers to solve EMC issues as early in the design phase as possible, preferably in the concept phase. EMC solutions also need to be optimized, in order to achieve best cost to design electronic component. EMC measurements are performed on electronic component prototypes to check EMC performance of a design. Thesis presents simulation models and algorithms that enable designers to estimate electromagnetic radiated emissions of an automotive electronic component virtual concept. Analyses of electromagnetic radiated emissions and quicker solutions seeking to reduce the emission levels are also possible with presented simulation models. The model to estimate electromagnetic radiated emissions from an automotive electronic component’s cable harness was built based on a test setup used in measurements. The model requires cable harness common-mode current distribution in frequency domain. The common-mode current is calculated with the model to estimate amplitude and phase of common-mode current on a cable harness of an electronic component. The model calculates amplitude and phase of common-mode current by using simulation results from electromagnetic radiated emissions system simulation in time or frequency domain. Simulation include simulated real parts of electronic device e.g. printed circuit board, connectors, integrated circuit, cable harness, load simulators etc. Thesis is focused on automotive electronic components, where source of emissions originate from a digital part of integrated circuit. In order to be able to transform the results simulated in time domain to frequency domain, we have also built an EMI receiver model. The model takes into consideration the properties of EMI receiver used in emission measurements. We have upgraded the EMI receiver model to also calculate the phase spectrum of the emissions. Both models, model to estimate amplitude and phase of common-mode current on a cable harness and model to estimate electromagnetic radiated emissions from an automotive electronic component’s cable harness, were verified in two EMC laboratories accredited according to standard ISO/IEC 17025. We have compared the results obtained in both laboratories with results from simulations. In the last part of the thesis we present step-by-step modelling of electromagnetic radiated emissions on test electronic component intended for sensor applications in automotive industry. Electronic component uses CMOS integrated circuit, which is the major source of electromagnetic emissions. We have designed two versions of integrated circuit with synchronous digital parts. REF version of IC, where all gates switch simultaneously and SCT version of IC, where gate switching is distributed evenly in one clock period. We have built simulation models in time and frequency domain to simulate conducted emissions of integrated circuits. Simulation results were compared with the measurements. We have also built simulation models in time and frequency domain to simulate radiated emissions from automotive electronic component with integrated circuit. We have compared simulation results with measurements. Deviation between simulations and measurements were discussed.

Keywords:electromagnetic radiated emissions, integrated circuit electromagnetic conducted emissions, automotive industry, CISPR 25 standard, Hertzian dipole, common-mode current, EMI receiver, STFT, cable harness, integrated circuit, ICEM-CE model

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