Introduction: It is hard to loose something you are expecting and wanting. To loose a wanted pregnancy for a woman and her partner isn't just loosing a baby, but also loosing a part of yourself, the role of parents, good self-image, plans for the future and it affects strongly on their emotional connection. Termination of pregnancy with medications is the most used and the most effective method, in which a nurse has a big role and meaning. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe women’s experience with unwanted artificial pregnancy termination with medications in the first trimester and to research the part and the meaning of nurses. Methods: In the thesis is used a descriptive method, theoretical-analytic review of scientific articles of domestic and foreign literature. In the analysis of articles is an eleven-year time period from the 2006 to 2017. Discussion and conclusion: Women, ordinarily in the first trimester, do not tell those closest to them about being pregnant, because in this period there is the greatest potential for miscarriage. Consequently they do not get enough needed support from close ones and they suffer silently. Artificial pregnancy termination, although unwanted, is still a stigma in our society. It is most common to terminate pregnancy with medicine, which is proven to leave less health and psychologic consequences on women, then surgical termination. Loss of pregnancy greatly affects women, they mourn, experience fear, helplessness, and they can fall into depression. A man and a woman mourn each in their own way, which can lead to troubles in their relationship that is why the partner must also be included in the process of artificial pregnancy termination, because he can positively affect a woman’s recovery. A nurse can do a lot for a woman’s psychological well-being, if she gives her enough attention, compassion, informs her and if she understands that every parent mourns in his own way.