
Odnos in stališča učencev brez učnih težav do učencev s specifičnimi učnimi težavami
ID Orgolič Štuhec, Nina (Author), ID Kavkler, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Polak, Alenka (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4454/ This link opens in a new window

Pomemben vidik inkluzivne vzgoje in izobraževanja učencev s specifičnimi učnimi težavami (v nadaljevanju učenci s SUT) so njihovi vrstniki brez specifičnih učnih težav (v nadaljevanju vrstniki brez SUT). Učenci s SUT, ki se učijo skupaj z vrstnikom brez SUT, dosegajo boljše rezultate in razvijajo svoje socialno-emocionalne spretnosti. Praksa in teorija opozarjata, da imajo vrstniki brez SUT premalo znanja o specifičnih učnih težavah, kar vodi do negativnih stališč do učencev s SUT. Zato je pomembno ozaveščanje vrstnikov o posebnih potrebah (v nadaljevanju PP), prilagoditvah in močnih področjih učencev s SUT. Odnos vrstnikov brez UT do učencev s SUT je odvisen od stališč, ki se oblikujejo in spreminjajo pod vplivom različnih dejavnikov (šolsko okolje, domače okolje, širše okolje, starost, izkušnje, ipd.). V raziskovalnem delu magistrskega dela sem proučila, kakšna stališča imajo učenci brez SUT do prilagoditev, ki jih prejemajo učenci s SUT. Poleg tega sem želela ugotoviti, kakšen je odnos vrstnikov brez SUT do učencev s SUT in skupinskega dela oziroma sodelovanja vrstnikov brez SUT v skupini z učencem s SUT. Zanimalo me je tudi, ali obstajajo med njimi razlike glede na povprečje zaključnih ocen ključnih izobraževalnih predmetov (slovenščina in matematika). Prav tako me je zanimal sociometričen status učencev s SUT v razredu. V vzorec sem zajela 124 učencev od šestega do devetega razreda. Med njimi je bilo tudi 8 učencev z izrazitimi SUT. V raziskavi sem uporabila avtorski anketni vprašalnik za ocenjevanje odnosa do učencev s SUT in stališč do prilagoditev, ki jih prejemajo učenci s SUT ter sociometrični vprašalnik. Z raziskavo sem preverjala prepoznavanje učenca s SUT in ugotovila, da učenci brez SUT prepoznajo učenca s SUT. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da večina anketiranih učencev do učencev s SUT izraža pozitiven odnos. Učenci vključeni v raziskavo učence s SUT opisujejo kot prijazne, poštene, ustvarjalne, hkrati pa tudi kot počasne, drugačne, osamljene, boječe, žalostne in nespretne. Pri tem lahko opazimo, da jih ne označujejo kot agresivne, lene in neumne, kar kaže na to, da učenci brez SUT prepoznajo učenca s SUT in se zavedajo, da imajo učenci s SUT določene primanjkljaje. Ugotovila sem, da na odnos do učencev s SUT učni uspeh ne vpliva. Ugotovila sem, da večina učencev brez SUT rada sodeluje pri skupinskem delu z učenci s SUT. Predvsem pa učenci, ki so učno manj uspešni radi sodelujejo v skupini, v katero je vključen učenec s SUT. Učenci vključeni v raziskavo, so izkazovali razumevanje dejstva, da učenci s SUT potrebujejo podaljšan čas pisanja preverjanja in ocenjevanja znanj, prilagojen odlomek za branje in da odhajajo iz razreda zato, da jim specialna pedagoginja prilagodi delo, aktivnosti, razloži snov in navodila. Prav tako se jim zdi prav, da dobijo več pomoči učitelja. Učenci vključeni v raziskavo imajo pozitivna stališča do prilagoditev ne glede na učni uspeh (učno bolj/manj uspešni učenci). Raziskava je pokazala, da imajo učenci z izrazitimi SUT v primerjavi z vrstniki brez SUT nižji sociometričen status, česar pa zaradi majhnega vzorca ne moremo posplošiti na celotno populacijo učencev z izrazitimi SUT.

Keywords:učenci s specifičnimi učnimi težavami
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92275 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11536713 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Relationships and attitudes of students without learning difficulties towardstudents with specific learning disabilities
An important aspect of inclusive education and educating pupils with specific learning difficulties (pupils with SpLDs) is found in the peers that they have without specific learning difficulties (peers without SpLDs). Pupils with SpLDs who learn together with a peer without SpLDs achieve better results and develop their social-emotional skills. Practice and theory indicate that peers without SpLDs have insufficient knowledge about specific learning difficulties, which can lead to negative points of view towards those pupils with SpLDs. It is accordingly important to raise awareness among peers about special needs (SN), adjustments, and strong suits of pupils with SpLDs. The attitude of those peers without SpLDs depends on the standpoints that are shaped and change under the influence of diverse factors (educational environment, domestic environment, broader environment, age, experience, etc.). The research in my Master's thesis examines which standpoints pupils without SpLDs have towards adjustments received by pupils with SpLDs. Additionally, I wanted to determine the attitudes of pupils without SpLDs towards pupils’ with SpLDs and teamwork, or towards the cooperation of peers without SpLDs in a group with a pupil that has SpLDs. I was also interested in whether there are differences amongst them according to the grade average in core educational subjects (Slovene and Math). Further, I was interested in the sociometric status of pupils with SpLDs within the class. The sample consists of 124 pupils from sixth to ninth grades. Amongst them were eight pupils with distinct SpLDs. A questionnaire was used to evaluate the attitude towards pupils with SpLDs and standpoints towards the adjustments that pupils with SpLDs get, alongside with a sociometric questionnaire. The research tested the identification of a pupil with SpLDs. It was discovered that pupils without SpLDs could recognize a pupil with SpLDs. The results have shown that the majority of questioned pupils express a positive attitude towards pupils with SpLDs. Pupils included in the study describe pupils with SpLDs as nice, honest, creative, and at the same time also as slow, different, lonely, fearful, sad, and awkward. It can be observed that they are not described as aggressive, lazy, or dumb, which shows that pupils without SpLDs recognize a pupil with SpLDs and are aware that such pupils have certain deficits. I also determined that academic performance has no influence on attitudes towards pupils with SpLDs. It was established that the majority of pupils without SpLDs gladly participate in group activities with pupils that have SpLDs. Mostly students with lower grade averages like to work in groups that include a pupil with SpLDs. Pupils included in the study showed an understanding of the fact that pupils with SpLDs need additional time when taking exams and in evaluations, as well as an adjusted reading segment. It is also understood that they leave class so that the special education teacher can adjust their work and activities, and explain the topic and instructions to them. They also think it is right that these pupils receive more help from the teacher. Pupils included in the study have positive standpoints towards such adjustments made regardless of their academic performance (more/less successful pupils). The study showed that pupils with distinct SpLDs have a lower sociometric status in comparison to their peers without SpLDs, whereas the pattern cannot be generalized for the entire population of pupils with SpLDs, because of the small sample group.

Keywords:pupils with specific learning difficulties

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