
Zgodovinski pregled predšolskih ustanov hčera Marije Pomočnice v Sloveniji
ID Balažic, Katja (Avtor), ID Devjak, Tatjana (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

URLURL - Predstavitvena datoteka, za dostop obiščite http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4452/ Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

Varstvo otrok je na območju današnje Slovenije organizirano že od 11. stoletja naprej. Prvi vrtci so se po Fröblovem zgledu pri nas odprli proti koncu 19. stoletja. Sestre hčere Marije Pomočnice so prišle k nam leta 1936 in so 16. februarja 1938 odprle vrtec v Ljubljani. Vzgojiteljice so se šolale v Italiji in so bile usposobljene za delo po vzgojni metodi sester Agazzi. Vrtec je obiskovalo tja do 86 otrok in je deloval tudi med vojno, vse do 7. decembra 1945, ko je bila stavba nacionalizirana. Sestre se s to dejavnostjo vse do leta 1992 niso več ukvarjale, takrat pa so 7. septembra na prošnjo staršev v novoustanovljeni skupnosti v Murski Soboti začele z varstvom otrok. Vrtec Lavra je rasel in se razvil v Miklavžev zavod Murska Sobota. Iz hiše sester se je preselil najprej v stavbo, v kateri danes domuje murskosoboški škofijski ordinariat, nato pa v lastno zgradbo; vmes se je odprla še njegova enota na Tišini. Sprva je deloval po lastnem vzgojnem programu, ob registraciji leta 1996 po programu Antonovega vrtca iz Železnikov, nato po programu katoliških vrtcev, leta 2009 pa je dobil koncesijo in se zato program odvija v skladu s Kurikulumom za vrtce. Vzgojni pristop vrtca Lavra temelji na don Boskovem preventivnem sistemu, zanj so značilne starostno kombinirane skupine po zgledu družinskega okolja, katoliška vzgoja, katere temelj je spoznavanje Božje ljubezni in odgovor nanjo, in tipični salezijanski elementi: občutek ljubljenosti, asistenca, igra, veselje, spodbudna beseda, življenje v Božji navzočnosti, Marijanska duhovnost. V enoti Murska Sobota so trije oddelki, v enoti Tišina pa dva.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:vrtec
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Leto izida:2017
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-92271 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:11534921 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:24.08.2017
Število ogledov:1236
Število prenosov:218
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:A historical overview of preschool institutions of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in Slovenia
Child care has been organized on the territory of present-day Slovenia since the 11th century. The first kindergartens, following Fröbl's example, opened in this area towards the end of the 19th century. The sisters Daughters of Mary Help of Christians came to this land in 1936 and opened a kindergarten in Ljubljana on 16th February 1938. The preschool teachers attended school in Italy and were qualified for the work according to the educational method of the Agazzi sisters. The kindergarten was attended by up to 86 children and was active also during the war, until the 7th December 1945, when the building was nationalized. The sisters were no longer engaged in this activity until 1992, when, on 7th September, they started with child care at the request of parents, in their newly established community in Murska Sobota. The kindergarten Lavra was growing and developed into the Institution of St. Nicholas Murska Sobota. From the house of the sisters it moved, first to the building where the diocesan ordinary's office of Murska Sobota is to be found today and then to its own building; in the meantime its branch was opened in Tišina. Initially, it operated according to its own educational programme; with the registration in 1996 according to the programme of the kindergarten Antonov vrtec from Železniki; then according to the programme of Catholic kindergartens; lastly, in 2009, it was granted a public subsidy and therefore the programme takes place in compliance with the Slovene Curriculum for Kindergartens (Kurikulum za vrtce). The educational approach of the kindergarten Lavra is based on Don Bosco's preventive system, it is characterized by mixed-age groups following the example of the family environment, by Catholic education, the foundation of which is learning about God's love and the response to it, and by typical Salesian elements: a sense of being loved, Salesian assistance, game, joy, word of encouragement, life in God's presence, Marian spirituality. In Murska Sobota there are three groups, whereas in Tišina there are two.

Ključne besede:kindergarten

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