
Psihološki vplivi priznanja krivde obdolženca
ID Jošar, Katja (Author), ID Plesničar M., Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: E37EA8F05B673CC059521EA599E9094D
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0ef36a49-ab7b-40d2-9291-ab1c18c10d78

V letu 2012 je bila v Sloveniji sprejeta novela Zakona o kazenskem postopku (ZKP-K), ki je prinesla kar nekaj novosti. Ena najbolj zanimivih oziroma odmevnih novosti je tudi uvedba instituta priznanja krivde (»plea bargaining«), ki je za naš kontinentalni sistem precej nenavadna. Kljub neusklajenosti z našim kazenskim sistemom se je institut počasi uveljavil, vendar ne brez nekaterih novih problemov in vprašanj. Po uvedbi instituta se veliko strokovnjakov sprašuje, kako pomembno je sploh še temeljno inkvizitorno načelo iskanja materialne resnice, ko pa lahko osumljeni prizna krivdo iz različnih razlogov, ne da bi se ozadje oziroma dejansko stanje sploh resnično raziskalo. V teh nekaj letih se je pokazalo, da se dogajajo anomalije, ki jih bo zagotovo težko popolnoma odstraniti, pa vendar k temu lahko veliko pripomorejo tožilci, sodniki in seveda zagovorniki, če si prizadevajo odkriti resnico. V magistrskem delu je na kratko predstavljen institut sporazumevanja o priznanju krivde z najbolj značilnimi prednostmi in slabostmi. V nadaljevanju so predstavljeni odgovori, kaj lahko vpliva na nedolžnega obdolženca, da krivdo prizna ali je ne prizna, ter kaj lahko vpliva na krivega obdolženca, da krivdo prizna ali ne prizna. Predstavljeni so psihološki dejavniki, ki pomembno vplivajo na odločitev obdolženca, če je ta kriv ali nedolžen. Veliko dejavnikov namreč vpliva na razmišljanje obdolženca v kazenskem postopku. Obdolženec, tako kriv kot nedolžen, ves čas tehta, kaj je boljše zanj, problemi pa se pojavijo predvsem zaradi različnih prisil. V kazenskem postopku so pomembne tudi vloge oseb, ki obdolženca spremljajo skozi postopek, in sicer policistov, tožilcev in sodnikov. Te osebe namreč želijo odkriti resnico, zato na različne načine ves čas pritiskajo na obdolženca in uporabljajo različne tehnike izpraševanja, da bi dobili realno sliko kaznivega dejanja. Obdolženec ima zaradi tega ves čas občutek podrejenosti, zato so odločitve o priznanju zanj še toliko težje. Na odločitve obdolženca vplivajo tudi drugi dejavniki, kot so družina, starost, predkaznovanost, status in še bi lahko naštevali. Končno pa je vedno pomembno, da je sodnik vesten in korekten ter pozoren na to, da je priznanje podano skladno s pogoji, ki jih določa zakon.

Keywords:sporazumevanje o krivdi, pogajanja o priznanju krivde, priznanje obdolženca, psihološki vplivi, lažno priznanje, krivda.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91987 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:15597649 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.05.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The psychological influences of the confession of guilt of the accused
In 2012, Slovenia adopted the amendment to the Criminal Procedure Act (Zakon o kazenskem postopku - ZKP-K), which has brought several novelties. One of the most interesting and notable novelty was the introduction of the Institute of Plea Bargaining, which is for our continental system quite unusual. Despite the mismatch with our penal system the Institute has gradually established itself, but not without some new problems and questions. Following the introduction of the Institute, many experts are wondering how important it still is to continue the fundamental inquisitory principle of the search for material truth, when the suspect may plead guilty for various reasons, without the background or actual state being properly investigated. These few years have shown some anomalies occur, which will certainly be difficult to completely remove, but an invaluable help with that can come from prosecutors, judges and advocates, if they seek to uncover the truth. The master's degree thesis is a brief overview of the Institute of Plea Bargaining with most characteristic advantages and disadvantages. You will find answers to what can affect the innocent defendant to admit or not to admit the guilt, and also what can affect the guilty defendant to admit or not to admit the guilt. Featured are psychological factors that significantly affect the decision of the defendant, whether he is guilty or innocent. Many factors have an impact on the thinking of the defendant in criminal proceedings. Defendant, either guilty or innocent, is always weighing what is best for him, but problems arise mainly due to various constraints. In criminal proceedings roles of persons who accompany the defendant throughout the proceedings are also important, namely the roles of police, prosecutors and judges. These people seek to uncover the truth, so in different ways they are all putting pressure on the defendant and use different techniques of questioning, to get a realistic picture of the crime. The defendant therefore always has a feeling of inferiority, so the decision to admit the guilt for him is even harder. Decision of the defendant is also affected by other factors, such as family, age, criminal record, status and much more. Finally, it is always important that the judge is conscientious and fair and considerate of the fact that the admission is given in accordance with the conditions provided for by law.

Keywords:plea bargaining, the negotiations on the admission of guilt, admission of the defendant, the psychological effects, false admission, guilt.

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