
Vpliv hiperkinetične motnje na družinsko življenje: vidik zdravstvene nege : pregled literature
ID Rebolj, Janja (Author), ID Milavec Kapun, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Sotirov, Dejan (Comentor)

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MD5: ABA42BA6FDB9D893834699F7F5104193
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/02f5bc41-936c-4e44-9973-c947e709652c

Uvod: Hiperkinetična motnja spada v skupino vedenjskih in čustvenih motenj. Stabilno in urejeno družinsko okolje pripomore, da otrok s hiperkinetično motnjo lažje vzpostavi notranjo strukturo, zato se želimo osredotočiti predvsem na vlogo družine, ki v življenju posameznika predstavlja najpomembnejši sistem. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati odnose med družinskimi člani (sorojenci, oče, mati) in otrokom s hiperkinetično motnjo ter predstaviti načine pomoči in podpore, ki bi lahko bili družini v pomoč pri vzgoji otroka. Metode dela: Pri pripravi diplomskega dela je bila uporabljena deskriptivna (opisna) metoda dela, ki je vključevala pregled tuje in slovenske znanstvene ter strokovne literature. Literatura je bila iskana s pomočjo bibliografskega servisa COBISS.SI ter v bibliografskih bazah CINAHL in MEDLINE. Rezultati: Otrokom s hiperkinetično motnjo predstavlja vzpostavljanje socialnih odnosov velike težave. V družini otroka se začne krepiti slaba samopodoba staršev in ostalih članov. Odnos s sorojenci je kaotičen, naporen, konflikten in agresiven. Pri starših prihaja do pogostejših vzajemnih očitkov in težav v zakonskem odnosu. Družinska terapija pomaga staršem graditi topel odnos z otrokom in jih vodi ter usmerja pri vzgoji otroka, vedenjski trening pa starše opremi z vedenjskimi ukrepi in nasveti glede vključevanja ter prilagajanja socialnemu okolju. Raziskovalci so poudarili, da je družinska terapija lahko učinkovita le, če imata starša resnično željo po spremembah in je družina v celoti pripravljena obogatiti družinsko življenje. Cilj delovanja medicinske sestre je uveljaviti vzgojni pristop oz. spremeniti stare navade in pomagati družini, da se bo lažje prilagodila vsakdanjemu življenju. Razprava in zaključek: Z izpostavljanjem otrokovih prednosti in izogibanjem negativnih lastnosti si družina, ki ima otroka s hiperkinetično motnjo, lahko obeta pozitivne spremembe v družinskih odnosih. Družinska terapija in vedenjski trening staršev sta metodi, ki lahko po mnenju avtorjev posamezniku s hiperkinetično motnjo in njegovi družini pomembno pripomoreta k vzpostavljanju dogovorjenih pravil, sočutne komunikacije ter sprejemanju odgovornosti. Medicinska sestra naj bo staršem na voljo kot zaupanja vreden spremljevalec, otroku pa naj predstavlja zanesljivo odraslo osebo, ki ne daje nikakršnih zahtev in je vedno pripravljena poslušati.

Keywords:hiperkinetična motnja, družinski odnosi, družinska terapija, zdravstvena nega
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91823 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5259115 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.04.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of hyperkinetic disorder on family life: nursing perspective : literature review
Introduction: Hyperactivity disorder belongs to the group of behaviour and emotional disorders. Firm and settled family environment helps the child with hyperactivity disorder to establish his inner structure much easier, thus we want to focus mainly on the role of the family that presents the most important system in the life of an individual. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to research the relationships between family members (siblings, father and mother) and the child with hyperactivity disorder and to present different ways of help and support that could be helpful to the families raising an child. Methods: While preparing my diploma work, the descriptive method, which included the overview of foreign and Slovene scientific and professional literature, has been used. Literature searching was made with the help of the bibliographical service COBISS.SI and in bibliographical bases CINAHL in MEDLINE. Results: Children with hyperactivity disorder have big issues with establishing social relationships. In a family with hyperactivity disorder children, bad self-image of the parents and other family members begins to strengthen. The relationship with siblings is chaotic, tough, conflictual and aggressive. Mutual criticism and problems in marital relationship are much more common with the parents. Family therapy helps parents in building a warm relationship with the children and guides them how to raise a child, behaviour training equips the parents with behavioural actions and advice about integrating and adjusting to the social environment. Researchers have emphasized that family therapy can only be affective when the parents have a real desire for change and the family in general is ready to enrich the family’s life. The purpose of the nurse's activity is to establish an educational approach or to change the old habits and help the family to adjust the everyday life easier. Discussion and conclusion: With emphasizing the child's advantages and avoiding negative characteristics, a family with children with hyperactivity disorder can anticipate some positive changes in family relations. Family therapy and behavioural training of the parents are the two methods, which, by the opinion of the authors, help an individual with hyperactivity disorder and his family sufficiently to establish the agreed rules, sympathetic communication and accepting the responsibility. A nurse should be available to the parents as a trust-worthy companion and should be presented to a child as a reliable grown-up, who makes no commands and is always willing to listen.

Keywords:hyperactivity disorder, family relationships, family therapy, nursing

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