
Načrtovanje in optimizacija brezžičnega merilnega sistema z uporabo tehnologije Bluetooth
ID MARKOČIČ, TOMO (Author), ID Trontelj, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 9E713A6DD1E9FFC5139B34B47D5D743A
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/e345205f-c4a9-45f3-8ecd-5d13a62f0e85

Delo opisuje celotno pot načrtovanja in optimizacije merilnega sistema, ki zajema mikrokrmilnik z bluetooth povezljivostjo, njegovo periferijo, napajalno vezje in je priključen na ciljni senzor. Merilni sistem bo umeščen v zelo omejen prostor, hkrati pa bo imel za napajanje na voljo le izmenično napetost 230 V. Z vidika načrtovanja to predstavlja precejšen izziv, saj moramo v ta omejen prostor umestiti še dovolj zmogljiv AC/DC pretvornik. Razvoj je potekal v več fazah. Prva je bila izbira prave brezžične tehnologije in nato ustreznega bluetooth modula oz. sistema na čipu. Sledil je razvoj prvega programa in postavitev prototipnega sistema na razvojni plošči, načrtovanje in testiranje napajalnega vezja ter nazadnje načrtovanje tiskanega vezja, končna prilagoditev in optimizacija programa. Dodatni korak je bila nadgradnja tiskanega vezja in prilagoditev programa za novo verzijo senzorja. Rezultat dela je delujoč, kompakten in zanesljiv merilni sistem, zmožen napajanja iz 230 V omrežne napetosti in je povezljiv z napravami, ki podpirajo standard Bluetooth 4.0. V vseh pogledih tako zadosti v začetku postavljenim zahtevam.

Keywords:merilni sistem, bluetooth, optimizacjia, senzor
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91818 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.04.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Design and optimisation of a wireless measuring system using Bluetooth technology
This thesis describes the whole process of development and optimization of a measuring system, that consists of microcontroller with Bluetooth connectivity, its periphery and power supply and is connected to the target sensor. The measuring system will be placed into a very confined space, while having only 230 V of network voltage available for power supply. From the development point of view this presents a significant challenge because we also have to place a powerful enough AC/DC converter into this confined space. Development was split in several phases. First phase was selection of the right type wireless technology then selection of appropriate Bluetooth module of system on chip, followed by development of first program and assembly of prototype system on development board, development and testing of power supply circuit and last but not least, development of printed circuit board (PCB) and final adjustment and optimization of program. Additional step was an upgrade of the PCB and program for a newer version of sensor. The result of this work is a working compact and reliable measuring system, supplied from 230 V of network voltage and is compatible with all devices supporting Bluetooth 4.0 standard. It satisfies all initially set requirements.

Keywords:measuring system, bluetooth, optimization, sensor

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