
Narava in meje razlage zakona
ID Kraševac, Maruša (Author), ID Pavčnik, Marijan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: A2FBBE01E709E0175BA587D3C3DCFC13
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/db9c7f4c-3de5-41b1-b0c1-1ea553873c03

Magistrsko delo gradim okoli problematike razlaganja zakonov, zlasti različnih možnih argumentov razlage in načinov njihove uporabe. Podatke črpam iz teoretičnih virov različnih avtorjev, ki jih med seboj primerjam. Uvodoma se ukvarjam s pojmom razlage na splošno in konkretneje razlage zakona. Ugotavljam, da je pod istim pojmom mogoče najti različne pristope v smislu pomena same besede in pogledov na razumevanje zakona. Nekoliko obširneje raziščem argumente razlage, ki se v praksi najpogosteje uporabljajo, in jih zato tudi teorija podrobneje opisuje ter primerjam možne načine njihove uporabe v drugih sistemih. Nato analiziram nekaj primerov slovenskega ustavnega in vrhovnega sodišča, znotraj katerih sta organa naletela na dileme v zvezi z razlago in jih rešila ter obrazložila. Ugotavljam, da se tej problematiki sodišči ne izogibata. Natančneje raziščem še odprti vprašanji jezikovnih meja razlaganja zakonov in uporabe pravnih načel v postopku iskanja pomena pravnega pravila. Ob zaključevanju dela vidim, da je tematika še obširnejša, kot sem si sprva predstavljala. Kljub temu prihajam do zaključkov, ki morda niso pretresljivi, vendar bi bilo kaj drugega na tako temeljito raziskanem (in še vedno raziskovanem) področju težko pričakovati. Postopek razlaganja je po mojem mnenju ena najbolj ustvarjalnih nalog pravnika, ki ob svojih nevarnostih in omejitvah nudi široke možnosti uveljavljanja pravičnosti. Do besedil, v obliki katerih izražamo misli, bodo bralci zaradi konteksta, znotraj katerega se nahajajo, kot tudi zaradi postopka, ki mu pri tem sledijo, zmeraj pristopali različno. Vendar pa mora biti, kadar so to besedilo določbe, ki oblikujejo pravice in dolžnosti oseb, cilj avtorja in uporabnika, čim bolj enotna in pravična razlaga. Pravila, ki jih v ta namen nudita pravna teorija in praksa, ponujajo ohlapno ogrodje, ki razlagalca vodi in ga po eni strani opomni na vse možnosti, ki jih ubeseditev ponuja, po drugi strani pa mu pomaga, da se izogne nevarnostim arbitrarne razlage ter najde pravi pomen zakona.

Keywords:razlaga zakona, interpretacija, argumenti razlage zakona, jezikovni okvir razlage zakona, meje razlage, pravna načela
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91490 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:15575377 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.04.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Nature and limits of statutory interpretation
This master’s thesis is built around the process of interpreting statutes, with additional focus on different arguments of interpretation and possible ways of their application. The data is drawn from theoretical sources of different authors, which are compared with each other later on. Firstly, I deal with the general definition of the term "interpretation", and specifically with the interpretation of legislation (statutes), which leads to the conclusion that there are several possible ways of understanding the term itself and also several ways of understanding the law. I furthermore focus on the arguments most commonly used for interpretation in practice, (which have therefore also been thoroughly discussed in the theoretical part of the thesis) and compare their application in different legal systems. Then I analyze a few cases led by the Slovenian supreme and constitutional court, both of which dealt with the issue, solved it on multiple occasions and justified their decisions through explanation. For this reason, I realize that the courts do not take the issue lightly. Finally, I stop at the question of linguistic boundaries binding interpretation and general legal principles used in the procedure of finding the meaning of statute When finalizing the work, I recognize that the topic discussed is even more complex than I originally imagined. Nevertheless, I came to the conclusions that may not seem shocking, but it would be difficult to expect anything else, due to the fact that the field of my thesis is thoroughly researched (and is still being researched). In my opinion, the procedure of interpretation is one of the most creative tasks of lawyers that, with his dangers and limitations, offers a wide spectre of possibilities of exercising justice. Readers will always approach differently the texts in which we express our thoughts, whether it be due to the context in which the text can be found, as well as the procedure they are following. However, the main goal of the author and the user in the case of the texts describing provisions, which establish the rights and the duties of citizens, should be an uniform and equitable explanation. The rules provided for this purpose by legal theory and practice offer a loose framework, which leads the interpreter and on the one hand reminds him of all the possibilities, offered by the text while on the other hand it helps him to avoid the risks of the arbitrary interpretation and to find the true meaning of legislation.

Keywords:interpretation of statutes, limits of interpretation, linguistic limits, arguments of interpretation, legal principles

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