
Razvoj večslojnega informacijskega sistema za določanje standardne klasifikacije bolezni
ID CARL, NEJC (Author), ID Kukar, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 874E4F9A70D7A9FB3134AA89B9CA87F6
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/102bc769-d366-411d-8aab-a8bdf26b656f

Diplomsko delo obravnava pomemben del izmenjave zdravstvenih informacij - Mednarodno klasifikacijo bolezni. Namen dela je olajšati problem identifikacije kategorije, s katero bomo klasificirali zdravstveno informacijo. Problem, s katerim se srečujejo zdravstveni delavci je, da Mednarodna klasifikacija bolezni vsebuje skoraj 19000 vnosov, ki so enolično določeni s kategorijo in dvema podkategorijama. Zdravstveni delavci imajo običajno v spominu samo najbolj pogosto uporabljane kategorije. Namen te aplikacije je, da uporabnik vpiše nekaj ključnih besed, nato pa pridobi relevantne vnose Mednarodne klasifikacije bolezni. V ta namen smo implementirali rešitev v obliki spletne aplikacije, pri kateri smo za izgradnjo odjemalca uporabili ogrodje Angular, na strežniku smo uporabili poslovno izdajo Jave, za podatkovno bazo pa smo uporabili MySQL. Z uporabo tehnik procesiranja naravnega jezika, predvsem lematizacije, smo ublažili vplive morfološke dinamičnosti slovenskega jezika. Za izboljšanje učinkovitosti iskanja po opisih Mednarodnih klasifikacij bolezni pa smo si pomagali še z MySQL-ovim polno-tekstovnim iskanjem. Implementacija se je pokazala kot uspešna, saj s preprostim vpisom nekaj ključnih besed omogoča inkrementalno iskanje kandidatov v realnem času.

Keywords:MKB, MKB-10, Mednarodna klasifikacija bolezni, LemmaGen, Java EE, MySQL, Angular
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91352 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.03.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Development of Multi-Tier Information System for Determination of International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
The subject of this diploma thesis is exchange of medical information with International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. The purpose of this work is to facilitate the classification of medical information according to the aforementioned standard. International Classification of Diseases is composed of almost 19000 entries that are uniquely defined by category and two subcategories. Health workers have usually memorized only the most frequently used categories, so they often have to find the appropriate coding for medical information. The aim of this application is to respond to keywords entered by the user with the relevant ICD entries. To this end, we have implemented a web application, that we build using the framework Angular on the client, the Java EE framework on the server and MySQL as a RDBMS. To dampen the effects of morphological dynamism of the Slovene language we used natural language processing techniques, primarily lemmatisation. Additionally, MySQL full-text search was used to help us find the appropriate classification. Implemented application allows us to determine relevant ICD entries in real time, with only a few keywords as input. Thus, we consider the implementation successful.

Keywords:ICD, ICD-10, International Classification of Diseases, LemmaGen, Java EE, MySQL, Angular

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