
Upravljanje z wifi omrežjem v lokalu
ID Močnik, Rudi (Author), ID Hladnik, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Brodnik, Andrej (Comentor)

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MD5: C4C40181005F4FCD3307165749B42772
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c1b66a2c-69f5-443b-a3dc-09ec89f9fb90

Diplomsko delo obravnava področje informacijskih tehnologij, natančneje brezžična lokalna omrežja – IEEE 802.11 v majhnih poslovnih prostorih. V uvodnem delu preučuje strukturo in tehnologijo majhnih poslovnih omrežij ter vlogo brezžičnih omrežij v poslovnih okoljih. V eksperimentalnem delu je bil zasnovan prestrezni portal za učinkovito upravljanje dostopa gostov na brezžično omrežje v restavraciji, za katero smo oblikovali rešitev. Cilji diplomskega dela so bili: (1) s pomočjo okolja pfSense in funkcije prestreznega portala ustvariti varno brezžično dostopno točko za goste lokala, (2) omogočiti dostop na omrežje samo gostom lokala s pomočjo kuponov z naključno generiranim nizom znakov, (3) oblikovati strani vstopnega portala v skladu s celostno grafično podobo podjetja, (4) omogočiti oglaševanje storitev podjetja preko strani portala. Za analizo delovanja prestreznega portala pfSense je bila uporabljena programska oprema za branje omrežnega prometa WireShark. Strani prestreznega portala so bile oblikovane s kodo CSS, HTML in PHP. V njih so vključeni avtentikacijski obrazec za vnos kode kupona, elementi za oglaševanje restavracije (gumb na spletno mesto, logotip podjetja, drsno okno, povezava na socialni profil podjetja). Oblikovana je bila tudi spletna stran z vzorcem pogodbe o pogojih uporabe storitve brezžičnega omrežja. Poleg ročnega vnosa kode v obrazec je bil zasnovan tudi sistem samodejnega vnosa kode in avtentikacije s pomočjo hitro odzivne QR-kode. Ta omogoča enostaven in hiter način avtentikacije mobilne naprave s prestreznim portalom. S prestreznim portalom pfSense smo uspešno zasnovali učinkovit sistem vodenja dostopa uporabnikov na brezžično omrežje restavracije.

Keywords:WiFi, IEEE 802.11, WLAN, prestrezni portal, dostopna točka, pfsense
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91228 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.03.2017
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Title:Wifi management for small businesses
The theme for this thesis are information technologies, more specifically wireless local area networks (IEEE 802.11) in small office home office environments. In the introductory section we examine the structure and technology of small business networks, as well as the role of wireless networks in small business environments. The experimental work was based on captive portal feature which would provide an effective way of managing guest access to a wireless network for the clients restaurant. The objectives of the thesis were: (1) using pfSense and the captive portal feature to create a secure wireless access point for the guests, (2) allowing access to the network only to the guests using vouchers with randomly generated string of characters, (3) to design captive portal pages in accordance with the corporate image of the company, (4) include promotion of restaurant services on the captive portal pages. Analysis of pfSense captive portal was done by open source packet analyzer software – Wireshark. Captive Portal pages were designed with CSS, HTML and PHP code. These include authentication form for entering the coupon code, elements to promote the restaurant (a button to the restaurants website, company logo, sliding window, a link to the social profile of the restaurant). The pages include a seperate website with a sample contract that includes detailed terms and conditions for using restaurant's free wireless network. In addition to manual code entry, an automated code entry sistem was designed using quick response (QR) code. It provides an easier and faster way to authenticate with the captive portal on mobile devices. With pfSense captive portal, we have successfully designed an efficient system for managing user access to restaurant's wireless network.

Keywords:WiFi, IEEE 802.11, WLAN, captive portal, access point, pfsense

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