Master’s degree, titled Mathematical Problem Solving Strategies among Year 5 Gifted
Students of the Primary School composes of theoretical and empirical part. In the
theoretical part gifted students are presented through different authors, how they are
recognised and characterised. Mathematically gifted students were discussed in further
detail and mathematical problems were introduced, broken into several types, and
different solving strategies were discussed. In the empirical part, through the analysis of
three different mathematical problems, solved by both mathematically gifted and nongifted
students, who have excellent grade in mathematics, we concluded that there was no
big difference between the groups, although gifted students tended to be more successful
at solving presented problems. With analysis of questionnaire we concluded that solving
mathematical problems seems interesting and fun (for majority) of gifted and non-gifted
students; although both groups considered the problems challenging. Presented
conclusions are presented with contextual analysis and are furthermore supported by
graphical material and with actual students examples.