
Vloga medicinske sestre pri skrbi za otroka z očesno protezo : pregled literature
ID Lukić, Maja (Author), ID Thaler, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 6C08B248CF68B0FE3F58F4B073028481
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/daef1200-6916-46a5-871c-b51baf7d9716

Uvod: Retinoblastom je najpogostejši maligni tumor, ki se velikokrat pojavi v otroški dobi. Bolezen je sicer redka, a zelo nevarna, saj lahko uniči tako otrokovo oko kot tudi njegov vid. Pomembna je hitra prepoznava tega nevarnega tumorja, takojšna diagnostika in zdravljenje. Večje tveganje za nastanek retinoblastoma obstaja pri otrocih, katerih bolezen se je v družini že pojavila. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je s pomočjo pregleda literature ugotoviti, na kakšen način in kako lahko medicinska sestra pripomore k skrbi za otroka z očesno protezo. Poudarek je na vlogi medicinske sestre pri seznanitvi staršev z otrokovo boleznijo in posledičnim zdravljenjem ter kakšen je psihični vidik pri otroku, ki izgubi oko. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna ali opisna metoda dela s pregledom tuje strokovne in znanstvene literature. Uporabljena je bila literatura, objavljena v obdobju od leta 2006 do 2016. Pregled je potekal po bibliografskih podatkovnih bazah CINAHL (Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature, MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online) in ScienceDirect. Uporabljene so bile omejitve na prosto dostopno literaturo v obsegu celotnega besedila in angleški jezik. Podrobneje smo pregledali 41 člankov. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, da je medicinska sestra tista, ki ima med zdravljenjem pomembno vlogo in ji otroci največkrat zaupajo. Večina avtorjev meni, da je potrebna celostna obravnava otroka, saj bomo le na ta način dosegli uspešen izid zdravljenja. Vsekakor pa je medicinska sestra tista, ki preživi ogromno časa z otrokom in njegovimi starši/skrbniki, zato je pomembno, da izbere pravo pot in vodi k zastavljenemu cilju. Razprava in sklep: Pri pregledu literature smo ugotovili, da je vloga medicinske sestre pri skrbi za otroka, ki ima očesno protezo, izrednega pomena. Pri nas za retinoblastomom letno zboli 3 % otrok. Pomembno je seznaniti starše z otrokovo boleznijo in izbrati pravi pristop, seveda pa je treba starše/skrbnike redno vključevati v sam proces zdravljenja. Dokazano je, da se pri otrocih pojavi strah, nizka samozavest in zavrnitev zdravljenja, vendar pa so le te bolj izrazite pri otrocih od 5. leta starosti dalje. Otroku je treba dajati več pozornosti, se o sami problematiki pogovarjati in mu stati ob strani. To je ključ strokovnega in uspešnega zdravljenja.

Keywords:zdravstvena nega, otrok, očesni rak, družina, očesna proteza, psihološki efekt
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91110 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5243243 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.03.2017
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Title:The role of nurses to care for child with ocular prosthesis : literature review
Introduction: Retinoblastoma is the most often malignant tumor, which may often occurs in the childhood. The disease is otherwise rare but very dangerous, because it can destroy the child's eye and also his eyesight. First, it is very important to recognize this dangerous tumor and immediately take diagnosis and based on this also, the right treatment. Increased risk of retinoblastoma is in children, whose disease has already appeared previously in the family relatives. Purpose: Based on literature review, l determined in what way and how the nurse could help with caring a child, who has ocular prosthesis. The main focus is the role of nurse and pairing the child's parents with the information about child's illness, subsequent treatment and psychological aspect, which could cause when disesase is found Methods: l used the descriptive method with based on overview of professional and scientific literature. The review of literature was on database, called CINAHL (Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature), MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online) and ScienceDirect. All used literature was published in the period from 2006 to 2016 year.We have closely overview 41 articles. Results: The results showed that the nurse has the important role in patients, based on which they may get fully trust to the nurse. Most of the authors considers that is necessary the comprehensive treatment of the child, which can lead to the successful outcome of treatment. However, the nurse is the person, who spends a lot of time with child (patient) and their parents, who also need to participate that the treatment could be succesful. Discussion and conclusion: During the reviewing the literature, we found that the main role of nurses is caring for a child who has an ocular prosthesis. Retinomblastoma tumor gets 3% of child per year. The right approach started with familirization with this kind of disease of child˘s parents and also with involving them during of the treatment. It has been proved, that childs ( from fift year onwards) with this disease gets fear, low confidence and rejection of treatmon. The child with this type od disease need more attention –especcialy in mentaly way. As l mentioned, this are the keys for professional and successful treatment.

Keywords:nursing, child, eye cancer, family, ocular prosthesis, psychological effect

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