
Poškodbe in prva pomoč pri delu v gozdu : pregled literature
ID Jereb, Gašper (Author), ID Sazonov, Amalija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 2E95E64DE9DE3DCAE4EA98E7D047C357
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0dae8f91-2a6c-4834-891e-c3815249497b

Uvod: Gozdarstvo je ena najbolj tveganih dejavnosti, saj so nesreče pri delu v gozdu skoraj neizogibne. Po naravni nesreči žledenja leta 2014 se je število delovnih nesreč v naših gozdovih močno povečalo, saj se tja odpravlja vse več neprofesionalnih delavcev, ki pa niso kos razmeram v gozdu, ki so nastale po žledolomu. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je analizirati pogostost in težavnost nezgod pri delu v gozdu. Ugotoviti želimo, kakšna je vloga preventive, izobraževanja in pravočasnega dajanja prve pomoči. Na osnovi zbranih podatkov želimo osnovati ustrezen komplet prve pomoči za učinkovitejše ukrepanje v primeru nezgod pri delu v gozdu. Metode: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela s kritično analizo znanstvene in strokovne literature. Pri iskanju smo uporabili časovni okvir, in sicer od leta 2005 do 2016 in relevantne starejše vire. Literatura je bila iskana v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku s ključnimi besedami: »first aid«, »work injuries« AND »woods«, »forestry accident«, »injuries«, »first aid kit«, »safe work in the woods« v angleščini ter v slovenščini »prva pomoč«, »poškodbe« IN »gozd« ALI »gozdar«, »delo« IN »gozd« ALI »gozdar«, »poškodbe« IN »delo« v podatkovnih bazah Medline, CINAHL with full text in Podatke o nezgodah pri delu v gozdu pa smo dobili na Zavodu za gozdove Slovenije. Rezultati: število smrtnih žrtev med neprofesionalnimi delavci v gozdu se je po žledolomu močno povečalo, pri čemer pa je potrebno upoštevati tudi količino posekanega lesa. Prav tako se je v 2014 povečalo število nesreč, ki so povezane s pospravilom podrtih dreves. Pomemben dejavnik je ura nastanka poškodb, saj se največ nesreč zgodi med 10. in 11. uro ter med 15. in 16. uro, kar lahko pripišemo utrujenosti in neosredotočenosti na delo. Ključnega pomena je tudi ozaveščanje neprofesionalnih delavcev v gozdu o pomenu in učinkovitosti uporabe osebne varovalne opreme, saj lahko s tem preprečimo veliko hujših poškodb, ki se zgodijo pri delu v gozdu. Razprava in zaključek: Po naravnih nesrečah kot je žledolom, se podoba gozda močno spremeni, s čimer se možnosti za nastanek poškodb močno povečajo. Pri poškodbah je ključnega pomena učinkovita in hitra pomoč, kar lahko dosežemo le z ustreznim znanjem in kompletom prve pomoči, ki ustreza specifiki dela v gozdu. Nenazadnje pa je najboljši ukrep pri preprečevanju poškodb pri delu v gozdu zagotovo tisti, ki spremeni miselnost in odnos do dela, kar pa lahko dosežemo s preventivno dejavnostjo, ozaveščanjem in izobraževanjem javnosti.

Keywords:nesreče pri delu v gozdu, žledolom, komplet prve pomoči
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91094 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5241451 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.03.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Injuries and first aid at work in forest : literature review
Introduction: Forestry is one of the riskiest businesses since accidents in forest work are inevitable. After the extensive ice storm in 2014 the number of accidents in Slovenian forests has skyrocketed, mainly due to numerous unskilled workers doing work they lack experience for in the conditions forests are in after this natural catastrophe. Aim: The aim of the thesis has been to analyse the frequency and the difficulty of forest work accidents. The roles of prevention, training, and providing first aid in time in such cases were analysed. Based on the collected data we would like to design a suitable first aid kit to take timely and suitable measures in case of forest work accidents. Methods: The descriptive method using a critical analysis of the written resources was conducted in making this thesis. Searching for data was also term-limited, from 2005 to 2016. The research included literature in Slovene and English languages, the keywords used were: in English - first aid, work injuries AND woods, forestry accident, injuries, first aid kit, safe work in the woods, in Slovene - prva pomoč (first aid), poškodbe IN gozd ALI gozdar (injuries AND forest OR forester), poškodbe IN delo (injuries AND work) in the Medline databases, CINAHL with full text and The data on accidents at work in the forest would we get in the Slovenian Forest Service and its resources. Results: The number of fatalities among non-professional forest workers has skyrocketed after the 2014 ice storm, whereas the amount of wood removed from the forest must be considered, too. In 2014 the number of forest accidents connected to removing the fallen trees increased considerably, too. A very important factor in the analysis is the timing of the accidents happening. Most of them took place between 10 and 11 am, or between 3 and 4 pm. It can be attributed to tiredness and lack of concentration at work. Raising awareness among amateur foresters of the value and effectiveness of using protection gear is also a vital factor on this issue. Doing this many severe injuries at forest work can be prevented. Discussion and conclusion: After natural disasters like the ice storms the forests and their character change considerably, thus the possibilities for injuries among workers increase immensely. In case of an injury effective and quick first aid assistance is vital, but it can only be provided with suitable knowledge and a first aid kit that supports the nature of forest work and consequent injuries properly. The best possible measure to prevent injuries among forest workers certainly remains changing the mindset and attitude to this type of work. It can be achieved by working hard on prevention activities, raising awareness among amateur foresters, and education.

Keywords:accidents at work in the forest, ice-break, first aid kit

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