
Razvoj spletne aplikacije za prikaz porabe energentov pri proizvodnji asfaltnih zmesi
ID PREMRL, ANŽE (Author), ID Rožanc, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 4F58520EC29830ABDCDAFB0725DF3F88
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0cb4ae51-99da-45d8-ad6e-8b933ad5851d

V diplomskem delu opisujemo razvoj spletne aplikacije za prikaz porabe energentov v podjetju, ki se ukvarja s proizvodnjo kamnitih agregatov, betonov in asfaltnih zmesi. Izdelana spletna aplikacija rešuje problem preglednega prikaza zbranih podatkov o porabi energentov ter olajša izračunavanje stroškov povezanih s porabo energentov. V uvodu je predstavljena motivacija ter zahteve spletne aplikacije. V glavnem delu diplomskega dela je najprej opisano novo odprtokodno programsko ogrodje ASP.NET Core, v katerem je bila aplikacija razvita. To omogoča razvoj in poganjanje spletnih aplikacij na različnih operacijskih sistemih. Za obličje smo uporabili več preizkušenih knjižnic v jeziku JavaScript. Sledi opis postopka razvoja spletne aplikacije, primeri uporabe in ovrednotenje opravljenega dela. Z uporabo sistematičnega razvoja v opisanih tehnologijah smo dobili aplikacijo, ki je odzivna, prilagodljiva, razširljiva in ima hkrati zagotovljeno dolgoročno podporo. Na koncu smo še analizirali opravljeno delo. Aplikacija je trenutno še v fazi preizkušanja, v prihodnje pa bo nameščena tudi v delovno okolje. To je prepuščeno nadaljnjemu sodelovanju med razvijalcem in uporabnikom in presega okvir diplomskega dela.

Keywords:spletna aplikacija, ASP.NET Core, MVC, JavaScript, prikaz porabe energentov, proizvodnja asfaltnih zmesi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-91047 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.03.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Development of a web application for display of energy consumption in asphalt mixtures production
This thesis describes the development of a web application that displays energy consumption in a company that produces stone aggregates, concrete and asphalt mixtures. The developed web application offers a solution to cluttered data collection of energy consumption and alleviates calculating the costs linked to energy consumption. In the introduction we present the background of the problem, and the given requirements. In the main part of the thesis we describe the new open-source framework ASP.NET Core in which the application was developed. This framework enables the developers to build and run web applications in different operating systems. Several tested JavaScript libraries were used for the frontend. Technologies used in the development of the web application are then followed by the description of the development process, use cases and evaluation of the completed work. By using a systematic development in the described technologies we built a responsive, adaptable and extendable application with a long-term support. We concluded with an analysis of the presented work. The application is currently still in testing and it will be installed in working environment in the near future. That part is a matter of a further refinements between developer and user.

Keywords:web application, ASP.NET Core, MVC, JavaScript, display of energy consumption, asphalt mixtures production

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