
Medpredmetno povezovanje glasbene umetnosti in družboslovja s pristopom "Orff-Schulwerk" : magistrsko delo
ID Debeljak, Mojca (Author), ID Umek, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zalar, Konstanca (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4371/ This link opens in a new window

Medpredmetno povezovanje glasbene umetnosti in družboslovja je v prvem in drugem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju osnovnih šol dokaj pogosto, a prevečkrat pomanjkljivo, nesmiselno, premalo poglobljeno in predvsem necelostno. Kot pomoč pri celostnem medpredmetnem poučevanju nam je lahko celostni glasbeno-gibalni pristop »Orff-Schulwerk«, ki se v svoji izhodiščni ideji z obema področjema močno prepleta. Ker je vsako izmed teh področij že samo po sebi holistično, se z upoštevanjem skupnih izhodišč in združevanjem njihovih celosti tvori celovitost medpredmetnega povezovanja s povečanimi razsežnostmi. V raziskavi nas je zanimalo, katere dejavnosti pristopa »Orff-Schulwerk« omogočajo uresničevanje izbranih ciljev družboslovnih tem o ljudskih običajih, šegah in navadah, o prometu in o življenju v prazgodovini. Raziskovali smo, kako cilje dosegajo učenci različnih razredov. Preučevali smo vživljanje v ljudsko igro in izražanje zmožnosti elementarnega muziciranja ter sprejemanje in odzivanje na neverbalno komunikacijo v glasbenem jeziku s pristopom »Orff-Schulwerk« pri medpredmetni povezavi z družboslovjem. Raziskava je bila naravnana akcijsko, kot kombinacija kvalitativnega in kvantitativnega pristopa. Z enaindvajsetimi učenci smo v šestih tednih izvedli sedemnajst učnih ur, ki smo jih posneli z video kamero, vsa opažanja pa smo sproti zapisovali v raziskovalni dnevnik. Ob koncu vsakega tedna smo doseganje učnih ciljev družboslovnih tem preverjali s kratkimi preizkusi znanj v različnih oblikah. Te smo kvantitativno analizirali z vidika doseganja učnih ciljev, video posnetke in zapiske iz raziskovalnega dnevnika pa kvalitativno analizirali s pomočjo kodiranja. S kontinuiranim delom po pristopu »Orff-Schulwerk« so učenci različnih razredov napredovali na vseh preučevanih področjih; pri vživljanju, elementarnosti muziciranja in neverbalnem sporazumevanju, doseganju družboslovnih učnih ciljev (operativnih in splošnih). Rezultati so pokazali, da »Orff-Schulwerk« vpliva na celosten razvoj učencev. Ugotovitve dokazujejo, da se je kvaliteta medpredmetnega učenja in poučevanja s kontinuiranim delom po pristopu »Orff-Schulwerk« zvišala. Izsledki raziskave bi bili lahko podlaga za razvijanje novega, perspektivnega modela medpredmetnega povezovanja, kar predstavlja pomemben doprinos na področje celostnega poučevanja. Raziskava lahko služi kot ideja ali osnova za medpredmetno povezovanje glasbene umetnosti in družboslovja. Uporabna vrednost raziskave se implicira skozi pristop »Orff-Schulwerk« (naj si bo ta v sklopu medpredmetnega povezovanja ali ne) kot strategija za spodbujanje razvojnih področij učencev, pristop v inkluzivni pedagogiki, doživljajski pedagogiki, glasbenih terapijah, kot možnost diferenciacije in individualizacije …

Keywords:Orff-Schulwerk, glasbena umetnost, družboslovje, celosten pouk, neverbalna komunikacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[M. Debeljak]
Number of pages:174 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-89004 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11447369 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Interdisciplinary dimensions of music education and social sciences through »Orff-Schulwerk« approach
Cross-curricular integration of music and social sciences from the first to the fifth grade of primary school is implemented quite often. However, it is too often imperfect, unreasonable, of insufficient depth and, most of all, not covered entirely. As an aid towards the integrated cross-curricular approach the integrated musical-movement approach »Orff-Schulwerk« can be used which is primarily closely related to both areas. Every of the four areas being primarily holistic, by considering common bases and integrating their entirities an integrated cross-curricular approach with advantages on a larger scale can be achieved. The objective of this research is to investigate which activities of the »Orff-Schulwerk« approach allow the implementation of selected objectives of social scienced and how students of different grades achieve those objectives. The goal of this research is to show how well pupils can put themselves in somebody else’s shoes (empathy) in a folks play, whether they are able to express elementary music-making and to except and respond to nonverbal communication in musical language using the »Orff-Schulwerk« in cross-curricular integration in relation to social sciences. This research is action-based, combining the qualitative and quantitative approach. Twenty-one pupils participated in seventeen classes extending over six weeks. All the classes were recorded by a video camera, at the same time notes were being taken down into a research diary. Using different short tests at the end of every week we checked whether learning objectives were met. These were analysed quantitatively. Video recordings and notes from the research diary were analysed qualitatively by encryption. By working continuously, following the »Orff-Schulwerk« approach, pupils of different grades improved in all the areas that were being analysed: empathy, elementary quality of music-making and nonverbal communication, meeting cross-curricular learning objectives (operational and general). The results revealed that the »Orff-Schulwerk« effects the integral development of a child. Based on the »Orff-Schulwerk« approach, the research exceeded its framework, bringing the quality of cross-curricular learning and teaching to a higher level. The results of the research could be used as a basis for developing a new, prospective model of cross-curricular approach. The research can serve as an idea or as the basis of cross-curricular approach, bringing together music and social sciences. The useful value of the research is implied through the »Orff-Schulwerk« approach (whether in scope of cross-curricular approach or not) as a strategy for promoting all the pupils’ areas to be developed, as an approach of holistic education, an approach of inclusive pedagogy, adventure pedagogy, musical therapy, as a means of differentiation, individualization, etc.

Keywords:interdisciplinary approach, social sciences, music, medpredmetni pristop, družbene vede, glasba

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