
Obravnava slovstvene folklore v četrtem razredu osnovne šole v Obalno-Kraški regiji : magistrsko delo
ID Savarin, Naja (Author), ID Saksida, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4353/ This link opens in a new window

Dandanes smo s svetovnim spletom dobili veliko možnost posegati po znanju, hkrati pa pozabljamo na knjižnice, tiskane knjige in na zgodovino o kraju, v katerem preživimo največ časa. Otrok ne zanima več, kaj so počeli njihovi dedki in babice, kako so živeli ljudje nekoč, ker ne čutijo več povezanosti z domačim krajem, ko pa jih svetovni splet lahko poveže z daljnimi kraji. Učitelji imajo možnost, da učence že v nižjih razredih osnovne šole navdušijo nad zgodbami, ki so se dogajale v okolju, v katerem se otroci izobražujejo (npr. z razlagalnimi povedkami ali s spominskimi pripovedmi …). V magistrskem delu nas je zanimalo, ali učitelji četrtega razreda v pouk književnosti vključujejo književna besedila, ki niso del beril, in še posebej, ali vključujejo ljudska književna besedila z območja, na katerem poučujejo, konkretno iz Obalno-Kraške regije. V učnem načrtu za slovenščino iz leta 2011 se med vsebinami pojavi ljudsko književno besedilo šele v četrtem razredu, zato smo za kvantitativno raziskavo izbrali le učitelje četrtega razreda iz Obalno-Kraške regije, torej je bil način vzorčenja namenski. V raziskavi smo učitelje z anketnim vprašalnikom povprašali o obravnavi književnih besedil, vključevanju književnih besedil, ki jih ni v berilih, in o vključevanju književnih besedil, ki so nastala na območju, na katerem poučujejo, v pouk književnosti. Z izsledki raziskave smo želeli spodbuditi učitelje četrtega razreda k vključevanju ljudskega slovstva z območja, na katerem poučujejo. Z raziskavo smo jim ponudili podrobnejši vpogled v slovstveno folkloro iz Obalno-Kraške regije in s tem omogočili izbiro književnih besedil, ki jih lahko uporabijo pri pouku. To naj bi spodbudilo tudi učitelje višjih razredov, da nadaljujejo vključevanje ljudskega izročila v pouk književnosti. Ugotovili smo, da se slovstvena folklora pogosto pojavlja – še vedno se pripoveduje, še vedno se zapisuje in še vedno se objavljajo knjige, ki jo vsebujejo. Kljub temu, da slovstvena folklora Obalno-Kraške regije ni zastopana v berilih za četrte razrede, jo lahko učitelji najdejo v književnih delih, ki so omenjena v magistrskem delu. V raziskavi smo spoznali, da so učitelji, ki posegajo po književnih delih slovstvene folklore iz okolja, v katerem poučujejo, v manjšini.

Keywords:slovstvena folklora, ljudsko slovstvo, obravnava književnega besedila pri pouku književnosti, ljudska književnost Obalno-Kraške regije, berila za četrti razred
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[N. Savarin]
Number of pages:XII, 104 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-88892 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11433289 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Teaching folk literature among year 4 primary school students in the Coastal and Karst region
In today’s world, we got a great opportunity to reach for knowledge. However, at the same time we are forgetting about libraries, printed books, and the history about our place, where we spend most of our time. The kids are not as interested as they once were in everyday work of their grandparents, in their style of living when they were kids, because they do not feel the connection with their hometown, for the World Wide Web can connect them with various places. The teachers have a great opportunity to inspire pupils even in lower grades with stories that happened in their hometown or the place they are educating themselves in (with explanatory tales or tales by memory ...). In our master’s thesis, we were asking ourselves about the work of teachers in fourth grade. We wanted to know, if they are teaching children in literacy classes about books and literature texts that are not mentioned in readers. Mostly, we wanted to know, if they included folk texts that are from the place they are educating – in the Coastal and Karst region. In the School Syllabus for Slovene language (mother tongue) from the year 2011, the folk technical terms first appear in the fourth grade, beside the content. Therefore, for our quantitative research we chose only teachers from fourth grade from the Coastal and Karst region, so the survey sample was chosen on purpose. In the research, we asked the teachers with a questionnaire about their discussion of literature texts, about including literature texts, which are not in the readers and about including literature texts, which are from the place, where they are educating, in the literacy classes. With the results, we wanted to encourage teachers from fourth grade in including the folk stories and tales from the place they are educating. We wanted to give them a closer look into folk literacy from the Coastal and Karst region and at the same time, we included many literature texts, which they can use in their literacy classes. This should also encourage teachers from higher grades to continue with including folk literacy in the literacy classes. We can conclude that folk literature is still between us – people are still telling stories, texts are still being written, books with folk texts are still being published. Based on the survey folk texts from the Coastal and Karst region are not represented in readers for fourth grade, but teachers can still find them in books, that are mentioned in our master’s thesis. Based on the survey questionnaires we realized that teachers who use folk texts from the place where they teach are in a minority.

Keywords:primary education, Slovenian language, osnovnošolski pouk, slovenščina

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