
Demonstracijska izvedba vodenja po standardu PackML na simuliranem procesu
ID KASTELIC, DEJAN (Author), ID Mušič, Gašper (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: EDDD0E0505F6472FFE23E364165EFE85
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/a803491c-81b2-443a-baa2-593d6b788713

V magistrskem delu je predstavljena demonstracijska implementacija krmiljenja po standardu PackML. Za objekt vodenja je bil razvit simulacijski model realnega modularnega proizvodnega sistema. Aplikacija je nameščena na programirljivem logičnem krmilniku in podprta z grafičnim vmesnikom na industrijskem operaterskem terminalu. Predvidena je uporaba demonstracijskega sistema kot orodja pri študijskem procesu na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko. PackML je industrijski standard, ki zagotavlja ustrezno terminologijo in dosleden nabor konceptov za vodenje in nadzor proizvodnih procesov. Ob zasnovi je bil standard namenjen predvsem avtomatizaciji strojev v serijski proizvodnji, z leti razvoja pa se je izkazalo, da je primeren za standardizacijo vseh tipov avtomatiziranih dejavnosti. Simuliran proces v obsegu petih delovnih postaj zajema množico konceptov vodenja, ki se uporabljajo v sodobnih proizvodnih sistemih. Podan je podroben opis zgradbe in delovanja procesa ter programske strukture pripadajočega simulacijskega modela. Zahvaljujoč modularni zgradbi in nastavljivim lastnostim simulacije uporabnost modela ni omejena na pričujočo aplikacijo, temveč se lahko poljubno prenese ali razširi v druge namene. Grafični vmesnik modela obsega animacijo delovanja posameznih komponent procesa. Vodenje po standardu PackML je osnovano na temeljih, ki jih je v svojem demonstracijskem projektu definirala korporacija Mitsubishi Electric. Izvedena in predstavljena je umestitev vodenega procesa v okvire standarda, medtem ko so temeljni gradniki vodenja nadgrajeni s programsko logiko za krmiljenje in nadzor procesa. Rezultat je krmilna aplikacija, ki v zgoščeni obliki povzema vse zakonitosti standarda in demonstrira enega izmed načinov implementacije vodenja. Zgrajen in predstavljen je tudi osnoven uporabniški vmesnik za upravljanje procesa.

Keywords:standard, demonstracija, programirljivi logični krmilnik, proizvodni proces, simulacija, simulacijski model, vodenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-88691 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.01.2017
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Title:A demonstrational PackML based control implementation on simulated process
The thesis presents a demonstrational implementation of process control, using the PackML standard. As a controlled process a simulation model of an existing modular production system was developed and used. The application is installed on a programmable logic controller and supported by a graphical user interface on an industrial operator terminal. The demonstration system is intended to be used as a tool for study purposes at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. PackML is an industry standard that provides the appropriate terminology and a consistent set of concepts for control and supervision of production processes. At its earlier stages of development the standard was intended for automating machines in mass production applications, but with years of development it has proved to be suitable for standardization of all types of automated operations. The simulated process is comprised of five workstations and includes a multitude of control concepts that are used in modern production systems. The structure and operation of the process are described in detail along with corresponding simulation model program structure. Thanks to its modular structure and configurable simulation parameters the applicability of the model is not limited to the present application, but can be arbitrarily transferred or extended to other purposes. Graphical user interface consists of process components animation. Process control by means of the PackML standard is based on the grounds which Mitsubishi Electric Corporation has set in its demonstration project. The integration of the process within the framework of the standard is carried out and presented, while the fundamental building blocks of the control are upgraded with software logic for controlling the process. The result is a process control application that succinctly summarizes all the rules of the standard and demonstrates one of the ways of control implementation. A basic user interface for operating the process is built and presented.

Keywords:standard, demonstration, programmable logic controller, production system, simulation, simulation model, process control

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