
Avtomatizacija skladišča
ID POGAČNIK, JURE (Author), ID Lotrič, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: A8B10BCC7447F21972E5AF0235F188E6
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/12c89af5-4a3c-484c-9216-feeac3ce9f68

Za potrebe skladiščenja velikega števila palet z visokim pretokom se v zadnjem času pogosto uporablja avtomatska regalna skladišča. Za premikanje palet v avtomatskem regalnem skladišču v največji meri skrbi množica naprav, od transportnih sistemov, vozičkov, do regalnih dvigal. Od vnosa materiala v skladišče do odpreme sistem ne zahteva posredovanja operaterjev, saj glede na potrebe vse premike materiala opravlja avtomatsko. To naročniku omogoča neprekinjeno obratovanje z minimalno delovno silo. V diplomskem delu obravnavamo transportni sistem v avtomatskem regalnem skladišču. Transportni sistem skrbi za vnos materiala v skladišče, interno uporabo v proizvodnji in odpremo končnih izdelkov. Premike materiala, skladiščenega na paletah, opravljajo različne naprave transportnega sistema. Glavni prispevek diplomskega dela predstavlja programska oprema, napisana za programirljive logične krmilnike, ki omogoča poljubno konfiguracijo transportnih sistemov. Programska oprema je modularna, sestavljena iz več funkcijskih blokov, kjer vsak funkcijski blok predstavlja zaključeno celoto programske logike za eno napravo in omogoča standardni postopek izmenjave informacij s vsemi drugimi funkcijskimi bloki. Programska oprema trenutno podpira osem različnih tipov gradnikov transportnega sistema, ki jih lahko poljubno povezujemo med seboj za ustvarjanje zaključene celote poljubne velikosti in kompleksnosti. Ta način izdelave programske opreme nam omogoča enostavne in hitre razširitve ter uporabo programske opreme na naslednjih projektih. Za nov tip transportne naprave moramo pripraviti ustrezen funkcijski blok, ki se drži vzpostavljenih standardov za izmenjavo informacij in skrbi za obratovanje nove transportne naprave. Programska oprema je uporabljena za transportni sistem, ki ga sestavlja sto štirideset enot. Izkazala se je za zanesljivo, saj transportni sistem že leto dni obratuje brez težav.

Keywords:avtomatsko skladišče, transportni sistem, programiranje, programirljivi logični krmilniki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-88535 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.01.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Warehouse automation
An automated high bay warehouse is commonly used for storing large number of material with a high throughput. In an automated warehouse pallet movements are mainly performed by a number of automated devices like conveyors systems, trolleys, and stacker cranes. From the introduction of the material to the automated warehouse system to its dispatch the system requires no operator input or intervention since all material movements are done automatically. This allows the automated warehouse to operate continuously with minimal manpower. The thesis focuses on a conveyor system within an automated warehouse. The conveyor system is responsible for the intake of material into the warehouse, internal use of material in the production, and dispatch of finished products. The material is stored on pallets, which are used to transport the material over different types of conveyors. The main contribution of the thesis is a software written for a programmable logic controller, which allows an arbitrary configuration of a conveyor system. The software is modular and consists of several so-called function blocks, where each function block represents the whole program logic for a single conveyor and uses a standard interface for information exchange with other function blocks. The software currently supports eight different types of conveyors, which can be freely linked with one another to create a conveyor system, of any size and complexity. The software allows for simple extension of existing project, and rapid development of new projects. To add a new type of conveyor only we need to create a new function block, which is following the now established standards for information exchange and supports all functionalities of the new conveyor type. The software is used on the conveyor system which consists of one hundred forty units. The software has proved to be reliable, since it has been operating without problems for more than one year.

Keywords:automated warehouse, conveyor system, programming, programmable logic controllers

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