
Zadovoljstvo bolnikov na teleradioterapevtskem (TRT) oddelku Onkološkega inštituta v Ljubljani
ID Križan, Mateja (Author), ID Oblak, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Žager Marciuš, Valerija (Comentor)

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Uvod: V zdravstvenih organizacijah, usmerjenih k bolniku, je zadovoljstvo bolnikov ključno pri načrtovanju, izvajanju in ocenjevanju opravljanja storitev. Raziskave o zadovoljstvu bolnikov so osebju v zdravstvenih organizacijah v pomoč pri odkrivanju organizacijskih problemov in pomanjkljivosti pri zdravstveni oskrbi bolnika, ugotavljanju izobraževalnih potreb osebja ter nagrajevanju in krepitvi delovne motivacije osebja. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je ugotoviti, kakšno je zadovoljstvo bolnikov na teleradioterapevtskem oddelku (TRT) na Onkološkem inštitutu Ljubljana (OIL). Ugotavljali smo, kako bolniki ocenjujejo različne poklicne profile (receptorke, medicinske sestre, radiološke inženirje, zdravnike radioterapevte onkologe) in zdravstveno oskrbo. Metode dela: Empirični del magistrskega dela obsega kvantitativno metodo in zbiranje podatkov z anketnim vprašalnikom, ki vsebuje Likertovo 5-stopenjsko lestvico zadovoljstva. Enodnevna presečna raziskava se je izvajala 3.11.2015 na TRT oddelku. Vključili smo vse tisti dan obsevane bolnike, ne glede na namen zdravljenja, stadij bolezni, režim obsevanja, starostno ali izobrazbeno strukturo, itd., anketne vprašalnike je rešilo 282 bolnikov od predvidenih 359 bolnikov (78,6 %). Rezultati in razprava: Bolniki so v povprečju podajali visoke ocene zadovoljstva (nad stopnjo 4 – zadovoljen) pri vseh navedenih dejavnikih delovanja OIL. Na zadovoljstvo bolnikov v veliki meri vpliva zaznana kakovost dela radioloških inženirjev (β = 0,489, p < 0,05), če primerjamo zgolj vidike dela radioloških inženirjev. Ko so v modelu linearne regresije pridruženi vsi preučevani dejavniki, rezultati kažejo, da na zadovoljstvo bolnikov z delovanjem celotnega OIL v največji meri vplivajo delo radioloških inženirjev (β = 0,436 , p < 0,05), delo medicinskih sester (β = 0,384, p < 0,01), ter prijaznost zdravnikov (β = 0,572, p < 0,01). Zaključek: Zadovoljstvo bolnikov se ustvari s kombinacijo odzivnosti bolnikovih pogledov in potreb ter nenehnimi izboljšavami zdravstvenih storitev, pa tudi nenehnimi izboljšavami odnosov med zdravstvenim osebjem in bolniki.

Keywords:bolnik, zadovoljstvo, teleradioterapija, Onkološki inštitut
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-88514 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5207403 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.01.2017
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Title:Patient satisfaction at teleradiotherapeutic (TRT) department of the Institut of Oncology Ljubljana
Introduction: Patient satisfaction is of key importance for planning, performing and assessing the services of patient-directed health organisations. Researches on patient satisfaction are used to discover organisational problems and patient health care deficiencies, educational needs of the staff and to enhance work motivation of the staff. Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to discover the amount of patient satisfaction in Department for teleradiotherapy at Institute of Oncology Ljubljana. The aim was to learn how patients assess different professions (receptionists, nurses, radiotherapists, radiation oncologists) and how satisfied they are with the staff and health care. Methods: The empirical part of this thesis consists of a quantitive method and questionnaire method of data collection, which includes Likert’s 5 point scale of satisfaction. Cross sectional survey was performed on November 3, 2015 in the Department for teleradiotherapy. It included patients who were irradiated that day regardless of the stage of disease, radiation regime, age or education etc. 282 of 359 patients were questioned which is 78,6 %. Results and discussion: On average, patients highly agreed (above level 4 – satisfied) with all questioned factors of performance of Institute of Oncology. The study shows that patients’ satisfaction highly depends on the work of radiotherapists (β = 0,489, p < 0,05) when work aspects of radiotherapists only are compared. When other factors are considered in the linear regression, the results show that patients’ satisfaction highly depends on the work of radiotherapists (β = 0,436 , p < 0,05), the work of nurses (β = 0,384, p < 0,01), and kindness of doctors (β = 0,572, p < 0,01). Conclusion: Patients’ satisfaction is created with the combination of patients’ need and constant health care improvements, and also constant improvements of doctor – patient relations.

Keywords:patient, satisfaction, teleradiotherapy, Institute of Oncology

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