
Razvoj spletne aplikacije za nadzor vnosa hranilnih snovi pri pacientih v enoti intenzivne nege
ID KERIĆ, NIHAD (Author), ID Smrdel, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: D184A5EA6B52BE279A26E36E00B2E379
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b10eb860-043f-425d-9c79-b9800e79891b

Diplomska naloga obravnava zajem, shranjevanje in spremljanje vnosa hranilnih snovi pri bolnikih v enoti intenzivne nege. Osnovni cilj je bil nacrtati dober podatkovni model in realizirati spletno aplikacijo za rokovanje s podatki. Aplikacija omogoca uporabniku z administratorskimi pravicami dodajanje, urejanje in brisanje uporabnikov ter dolocanje njihovih pravic. Uporabniki spletne aplikacije pa lahko potem, glede na dodeljene pravice, vnasajo novega bolnika in vse podatke povezane z njim ali pa samo vnasajo oziroma popravljajo podatke o prehrani za dolocenega bolnika. Podatki o prehrani bolnika se shranijo v podatkovno bazo za evidenco ter nadaljnjo obdelavo. Pri implementaciji odjemalskega dela aplikacije pa smo uporabili tudi predloge Bootstrap in Google Material Design za boljso uporabnisko izkusnjo.

Keywords:spletna aplikacija, hranilne snovi, enota intenzivne nega, relacijska podatkovna baza, Laravel, PHP
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-88466 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.01.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Development of web application for nutrient intake control in patients in an intensive care unit
The diploma thesis deals with collecting, storing and following the nutrient intakes to patients in the intensive care unit. The basic objective was to sketch a good data model and to realize the web application for handling the data. By means of administrator rights, the application enables adding, editing and deleting users as well as determining their rights. With regards to the granted rights, the users of the web application can enter a new patient and all the data, connected with him, or they can only enter or correct the data on nutrition for a certain patient. The data on nutrition of the patient are stored in the database for records and further processing. In implementation of the client part of the application we also used the templates of Bootstrap and Google Material Design for a better user experience.

Keywords:web application, nutrients, intensive care unit, relational database, Laravel, PHP

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