This summer I completed my work placement as part of my academic programme. I did it in two companies: UNIA, Urbanizem, nadzor, inženiring, arhitektura d. o. o. Idrija and ZIDGRAD, Idrija d. d. My work placement in the first company consisted of following the professional supervision and design of a construction project of the industrial concourse 4 and a parking space in the town of Žiri. In the second company I followed the construction of the aforementioned object and parking space. During my work placement I participated in all phases of construction – from the mere design to the final stage of the structure. During my training I encountered numerous cases where the knowledge received in my academic environment didn't suffice. In my undergraduate thesis I analyse and compare the knowledge I accumulated during my work placement to the one I accumulated in academic environment. I discovered big differences between the knowledge from my studies and the competences I would need outside my academic environment in the following fields: construction legislation, detailed project documentation and the documents formed at the construction site. In these fields I had to rely on the 'know-how' I stumbled upon outside the university. I wish we heard more about this in our classes.