
Identifikacija možnih vzrokov prekomerne vlažnosti in predlog ukrepov za objekt osnovne šole
ID Truden, Enej (Author), ID Kunič, Roman (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Dovjak, Mateja (Comentor)

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MD5: 99AF3C63CFFA8D32A7349D2950BCAFA2
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/1d57691b-9561-4537-b792-b297522a35f2

Velikokrat pozabimo na notranje okolje, ki ima velik vpliv na naše počutje in zdravje. Poleg negativnih učinkov na človeka imamo tudi negativne učinke na zdravje stavbe in stavbnega ovoja. V diplomski nalogi sem se osredotočil na parameter relativne vlažnosti zraka in parameter temperature zraka, ki močno vplivata na uporabnika in stavbo. Z identifikacijo možnih vzrokov prekomerne vlažnosti zraka sem predlagal ukrepe za sanacijo stanja na objektu osnovne šole heroja Janeza Hribarja. Za analizo podatkov so bili na objektu s toplotno kamero in digitalnim fotoaparatom posnete kritične točke (zunaj in znotraj), izvedene so bile meritve relativne vlažnosti zraka in temperature zraka v likovni učilnici, izveden pa je bil tudi anketni vprašalnik med zaposlenimi. S programsko opremo TEDI sem preveril tudi ustreznost konstrukcijskih sklopov z veljavno zakonodajo (PURES 2010). Po analizi in primerjavi rezultatov sem prišel do ugotovitve, da večina zaposlenih občuti neudobje v prostoru kjer se gibljejo. Stavba je slabo in pomanjkljivo izolirana, kar je razvidno tudi na termogramih z vidnimi toplotni mostovi. Toplotna prehodnost konstrukcijskih sklopov ne zadošča toplotni prehodnosti, ki jo podaja Pravilnik o učinkoviti rabi energije v stavbah (PURES 2010). Velikokrat je presežena tudi zgornja meja relativne vlažnosti zraka (60%) v likovni učilnici. Prostori v stavbi pa se zelo malo prezračujejo. Poleg prezračevanja sem v predlogu za sanacijo predlagal še dodatno toplotno zaščito, uporabo termostatskih ventilov in ostale ukrepe predstavljene v diplomski nalogi.

Keywords:Toplotno udobje, relativna vlažnost, temperatura zraka, toplotni most, toplotna kamera, termogram, toplotna prehodnost, konstrukcijski sklopi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87848 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.05.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Identification of the potencial couses of excessive humidity and proposal of measures for primary school building
We often forget the indoor environment that has a major impact on our well-being and health. In addition to negative effects on people we also have negative effects on building health and the building envelope. In this thesis I have focused on the parameter of relative humidity and air temperature, which strongly affect the user and the building. By identifying the possible causes of excessive humidity, I have proposed remediation measures at the site of the Heroja Janeza Hribarja Primary School in Stari trg pri Ložu. For data analysis, we record critical points of building envelope (indoor and outdoor) with thermal camera and digital camera. We also made measurements of relative air humidity and air temperature in the art classroom and distributed questionnaire among the employees at the school. With the TEDI software I have checked the appropriateness of the structural complexes with legislation (PURES 2010). After analysing and comparing results, I have come to the conclusion that the majority of employees feel discomfort in the area where they are located. The building insulation is poor and inadequate, which is also evident in the thermograms with visible thermal bridges. Thermal flux of the structural complexes does not meet the requirements given by Pravilnik o učinkoviti rabi energije v stavbah (PURES 2010). The upper limit of relative air humidity (60%) in the art classroom is often exceeded. Rooms in the buildinga are also poorly ventilated. A thermal insulation is recommended and so is the use of thermostatic valves and other remediation measures presented in this thesis.

Keywords:Thermal comfort, relative humidity, air temperature, thermal bridge, thermal camera, thermogram, thermal conductivity, constructional complexes

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