
Analiza padanja kamenja na odseku ceste Renke-Zagorje : diplomsko delo
ID Rozina, Darja (Author), ID Verbovšek, Timotej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jemec Auflič, Mateja (Comentor)

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MD5: A8D5EA7054B11908E9C41716300BF5FA
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9b6259ff-699b-497e-af9a-1533e602d3ec

V diplomski nalogi sem analizirala padajoče kamenje na odseku glavne ceste G II 108, na odseku 1183 od km 10,500 do km 0,000, oziroma na odseku Renke-Zagorje. Cesta je ena pomembnejših povezav v državi, z velikim dnevnim pretokom. Litološko tvorijo območje srednjetriasni, zgornjetriasni in spodnjejurski karbonati, zgornjekredni fliš in kvartarni nanosi. Zaradi mehanskega preperevanja, vpliva tektonike, strmega pobočja in litološke zgradbe se iz pobočja kruši kamenje in skale, ki ogrožajo prometnico. Na terenu sem izbrala 100 kamnov in skal različnih velikosti, izmerila njihovo dimenzijo ter popisala litološko sestavo, pregledala zaščitne ukrepe, popisala poškodbe na vozišču in odbojni ograji ter določila 14 točk, skozi katere sem naredila profile in jih uporabila za simulacijo v programu RocFall 5.0. Za vsak posamezen profil sem odčitala končne horizontalne lokacije in skupno kinetično energijo na sredini ceste. S pomočjo simulacije padanja kamenja sem ugotovila, da je najvišja energija, ki jo padajoče kamenje doseže na sredini vozišča, 297 kJ. Na podlagi podatkov policije o padajočem kamenju na cestišču in vzdrževalca ceste sem v GIS okolju izdelala karto števila zabeleženih dogodkov in obstoječih zaščit. Iz karte števila dogodkov je razvidno, da je padanje kamenja najpogostejše na odsekih ceste med km 12,000 in km 12,500 ter med km 13,400 in km 14,300. Ta dva odseka sta najbolj ogrožena zaradi strmih skalnih sten v zaledju in številnih grap, ki so vrezane v pobočje ter predstavljajo transportno pot kamninskemu materialu. Kljub temu, da je večina ceste zaščitene, kamenje in skale vseeno dosežejo vozišče. Število dogodkov padajočega kamenja na opazovanem cestnem odseku sem primerjala s količino padavin in maksimalno ter minimalno temperaturo, vendar iz rezultatov nisem uspela oceniti natančnega vpliva posameznega dejavnika. Na osnovi vseh pridobljenih podatkov in ugotovitev lahko sklepam, da je večina ceste ogrožene, kar je razvidno tudi iz karte ogroženosti, ki je končni rezultat diplomske naloge.

Keywords:inženirska geologija, padanje kamenja, ogroženost, sanacija, Renke, Zagorje
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Rozina]
Number of pages:X, 78 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87842 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1271134 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.12.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Rock fall analysis on the road section Renke-Zagorje, Central Slovenia
In the scope of my bachelor thesis I have studied several examples of rockfalls along the main road Renke -Zagorje G II 108, section of 1183 from 10,500 to 0,000 kilometres. This road is important on a national level and faces a large daily flow of traffic. The research area mainly consists of Triassic and Jurassic carbonates, Cretaceous flysch and Quaternary deposits. Unfavourable geological conditions, mechanical weathering, influence of tectonics (disintegrated rocks) and steep slopes are the main triggers of rockfalls that frequently threaten the road and the vehicles on it. On the selected section 100 rocks of different size were collected and their dimensions and lithological composition were determined. Furthermore, the existing prevention measures, damaged road surface and fences were carefully inspected. RocFall 5.0 software was applied on 14 profiles to simulate the energy, velocity and bounce height of the falling rocks. Each profile was characterized by the horizontal line and cumulative kinetic energy in the middle of the road. Using the simulation of rockfalls, I found that the maximum kinetic energy generated by rockfalls in the middle of the road is 297 kJ. Based on data on rockfall events provided from the Police and Service maintenance of roads, a map of frequency of rockfalls events and existing prevention measures on the selected road section was prepared in GIS. From the map it can be seen that the rockfalls mostly occurred on road sections between 12,000 km and 12,500 km, and between 13,400 km and 14,300 km. These two road sections are under the greatest threat due to steep rock faces above the road and numerous ravines, which transect the slope and represent potential chanway of transport for rock debris. Nevertheless that road is almost entirely protected before rockfalls, stones and rocks are still appearing on the road. Numbers of recorded rockfall events were correlated with rainfall and values of minimum and maximum temperatures. However results not reflect the exact impact of correlated factor. Based on all obtained information and findings I could conclude that the studied section of road between Renke and Zagorje is almost entirely vulnerable, what is also evident from the rockfall risk map, one of the main deliverables of this thesis.

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