The subject of a matter in my thesis was singing in Musical Art through primary school teachers’ point of view. In theoretical part we introduced how music leaves an impact on different areas of child development. Secondly, we focused on describing factors such as family, peers, teachers and the wider environment, that have an important role in developing the attitude of primary school teachers towards singing. We described the role of a primary school teacher in teaching children how to sing and we defined singing activity through the process of planning and performing it at Musical Art. Furthermore, we described vocal technique and vocal care. With the use of questionnaires in the empirical part that was based on theoretical facts and our own experiences, we aimed to discover teachers’ opinions on their: attitude towards singing, competence for teaching singing and attitude towards their vocal care. The pattern included 143 primary level teachers that teach Musical Art from first to fifth grade in year 2015/2016 from randomized Slovenian primary schools. The music teachers who teach Musical Art on primary level were taken out from the research. The results showed that teachers love to sing and that they feel good and confident while singing. The majority said that family played the key role in developing their positive attitude towards singing. The teachers’ opinions on upgrading their knowledge of singing and vocal technique have varied based on different age groups. The primary teachers from the group 20–35 years want to upgrade their knowledge of singing and vocal technique. Meanwhile, teachers from the group 51–65 years do not want to improve their knowledge because in their opinion they already know enough about singing and vocal technique. The results of the research also showed that primary teachers take care of their vocals properly but sometimes they suffer from hoarseness.