In this master's degree thesis, we wanted to determine the quality of life of pupils of primary school with adjusted program with lower educational standard. Quality of life as a range between wishes and possibilities was studied in eight areas: emotional well-being, interpersonal relations, material well-being, personal development, physical well-being, self-determination, social inclusion and rights. The sample included 19 pupils of primary school with adjusted program (casual sample) and 19 pupils of the regular primary school (random sample); pupils were leveled by age and sex. In the questionnaire for pupils they were evaluating their wishes, needs by Likert’s five-point scale. Their parents and class teachers also evaluated options in the environment on the five-point scale for the same areas. Parents evaluated home environment. Class teachers evaluated school environment. All three questionnaires were designed for the purpose of research. Their reliability was tested by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. To study the relationship between variables, we used descriptive statistics, t-test, factorial and discriminant analysis. We found that between the two groups of pupils there are statistically significant differences in the areas of social inclusion, self-determination, interpersonal relations and personal development - in all these areas the quality of life is worse by pupils of primary school with adjusted program (compared to pupils of regular primary school they have a slightly better quality of life only in the area of emotional well-being and the area of physical well-being; the differences between groups are not statistically significant). On the whole the quality of life is worse by pupils of primary school with adjusted program, which clearly indicates the necessary changes in practice and the need for further research in this area (with a larger sample and number of observed variables).