
Poučevanje linearne perspektive ob uporabi Dürerjevega modela
ID Mirosavljević, Nace (Author), ID Frelih, Črtomir (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Tomšič Čerkez, Beatriz Gabriela (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu se ukvarjam z linearno perspektivo ter perspektivnimi instrumenti oziroma pripravami. Največ pozornosti namenjam Dϋrerjevemu perspektivnemu oknu, ali drugače Dϋrejrevemu transparentnemu platnu, ki ga integriram v sodobno poučevanje linearne perspektive v osnovni šoli. V sklopu likovno teoretičnega dela predstavim ključne dejavnike, ki so vodili do nastanka upodabljanja prostora v linearni perspektivi. Izpostavim značilne perspektivne konstrukcije, njihove prednosti ter morebitne pomanjkljivosti. Obravnavam perspektivne armature številnih slikarskih in drugih del. Podam ključne značilnosti perspektivne umetnosti, značilne za posamezno področje. Zadnje poglavje likovno teoretičnega dela je posvečeno perspektivnim instrumentom. Likovno teoretični sklop predstavlja smiselno podlago empiričnemu delu. V slednjem je izvedena akcijska raziskava o smiselnosti uporabe Dϋrerjevega transparentnega platna kot didaktičnega pripomočka pri poučevanju linearne perspektive v devetem razredu osnovne šole. Z uporabo kvalitativne raziskovalne paradigme so analizirana vizualna gradiva/ risbe posameznih učencev po konvencionalnem posredovanju snovi ter po razlagi ob uporabi omenjenega didaktičnega pripomočka. V nadaljevanju je izvedena primerjalna analiza obeh del pri posameznih učencih, ki poda rezultate o morebitnem napredovanju na področju risanja v linearni perspektivi. Pri celotnem procesu je upoštevana ustrezna obsežnost snovi, ki je v skladu z predvidenim gradivom ter učnim načrtom. Na podlagi rezultatov raziskave so podani sklepi, ki legitimizirajo uporabo Dϋrerjevega perspektivnega okna v poučevalni praksi z namenom vzpodbujanja njene večplastnosti, temeljitosti in razgibanosti.

Keywords:linearna perspektiva
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87216 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11360329 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Teaching linear perspective using the Dϋrer model
The main subject of the thesis is linear perspective and various perspective instruments or gadgets. The focus is mostly directed in one specific perspective instrument, the so called Dϋrer perspective window, which I integrate in the contemporary or modern ways of teaching the linear perspective in elementary schools. Within the theoretical part of the thesis I am dealing with the basic factors which led to the very beginning of portraying space using linear perspective. Many typical perspective constructions are highlighted, together with their advantages and shortcomings. I study the perspective armatures of different paintings which occurred at that time. I also talk about basic perspective art features typical for certain parts of Europe. The last chapter is dedicated to perspective instruments. The theoretical part of the thesis represents a meaningful background for the practical section. In the mentioned second section I conduct a so called action research about reasonableness of using the Dϋrer perspective window as a teaching widget when teaching linear perspective in the ninth grade of elementary school. Using the qualitative research paradigm, I analyze perspective drawings of students; the first step of analysis is done after the conventional lecture. The second step of analysis takes place after an upgraded lecture in which I teach perspective using the Dϋrer perspective window. After the separated observation of each drawing, a comparative analysis is done for each student. By comparing drawings after both lectures possible progress is determined. During the process the extensiveness of the subject of perspective drawing is considered at all time and it also corresponds with the curriculum and prescribed literature. Based on the results of the research, several conclusions are made, legitimating the use of the Dϋrer perspective window in the teaching practice allowing and encouraging its multilateralism and the very motion of lecturing.

Keywords:linear perspective

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