
Usposabljanje učiteljev razrednega pouka za poučevanje učencev z disleksijo
ID Jagerič, Žaneta (Author), ID Kavkler, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Košak Babuder, Milena (Comentor)

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V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo ugotavljali, kako raznolik je slovenski osnovnošolski prostor danes, tako z vidika učencev kakor tudi učiteljev, ki se počutijo bolj ali manj kompetentni za poučevanje te raznolike skupine učencev. Predstavili smo koncept inkluzije in pogoje, ki morajo biti izpolnjeni za uresničevanje inkluzije v šolah, ter navedli potrebne spremembe v slovenskem osnovnošolskem prostoru glede na trenutno stanje. Ugotovili namreč smo, da eden izmed pogojev uresničevanja inkluzije ni izpolnjen, in sicer usposobljenost učiteljev za poučevanje raznolike skupine učencev. Učitelji in drugi strokovnjaki s področja vzgoje in izobraževanja namreč poudarjajo, da učitelji potrebujejo več znanja o poučevanju učencev z učnimi težavami in da potrebujejo dodatna izobraževanja. Preverili smo, katere oblike profesionalnih usposabljanj imajo naši učitelji na voljo, nato pa še predstavili pomanjkljivosti obstoječega sistema ter smernice za pripravo in izvedbo učinkovitih profesionalnih usposabljanj za slovenske učitelje v prihodnje. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako se nadaljnjega profesionalnega razvoja lotevajo zunaj slovenskih meja, zato smo predstavili še oblike in modele učinkovitih profesionalnih usposabljanj iz tujine. Na koncu teoretičnega dela smo definirali še učence z disleksijo in jih s slovenskega vzgojno-izobraževalnega vidika umestili glede na izrazitost njihovih težav. Predstavili smo tudi podporo in pomoč, ki sta predvideni za to skupino učencev v Sloveniji, ter pomen učitelja in njegove usposobljenosti za šolsko uspešnost učencev z disleksijo. V raziskovalnem delu smo predstavili rezultate naše raziskave, znotraj katere smo načrtovali, izvedli in sprotno evalvirali petdelno usposabljanje za učitelje razrednega pouka z naslovom Disleksija – prilagoditve in strategije dela, v katero je bilo vključenih 25 učiteljic razrednega pouka iz petih pomurskih osnovnih šol. Namen je bil ugotoviti učinkovitost našega profesionalnega usposabljanja glede na napredek učiteljic, izkazan po koncu srečanj, preveriti učinkovitost prilagoditev in strategij dela, ki so bile predmet naših usposabljanj, v praksi, ter uporabnost gradiva, ki so ga učiteljice dobile pred vsakim srečanjem. Ob upoštevanju slovenskih in tujih priporočil ter na osnovi ugotovitev našega profesionalnega usposabljanja smo nato še predstavili smernice za učinkovitejše načrtovanje in izvajanje profesionalnih usposabljanj učiteljev v prihodnje, namenjene njihovim izvajalcem.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87199 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11354953 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Primary school teacher training for teaching pupils with dyslexia
In the theoretical part of the thesis, we established how diverse Slovenian primary schools today are. We did this from the point of view of the pupils as well as the teachers who feel more or less competent for teaching these diverse groups of pupils. We presented the concept of inclusion and the conditions that must be met in order to achieve inclusion in schools. We also presented the necessary changes in Slovenian primary schools according to the current situation. We actually found that one of the conditions for achieving inclusion in schools is not met, namely the qualification of teachers for teaching diverse groups of pupils. Teachers and other professionals in the field of education namely point out that teachers need more knowledge about teaching pupils with learning difficulties and that they need additional training. We checked what forms of professional training our teachers have available and then presented the shortcomings of the existing system and the guidelines for the preparation and implementation of effective professional training for Slovenian teachers in the future. We were also interested in finding out how further professional development is addressed outside the Slovenian border. We therefore presented the forms and models of effective professional trainings from abroad. At the end of the theoretical part, we also defined pupils with dyslexia and placed them according to the severity of their problems from the Slovenian educational point of view. We also presented support and assistance, which is foreseen for this group of pupils in Slovenia and the importance of the teacher and his qualification for school performance of pupils with dyslexia. In the research part we presented the results of our research within which we planned, implemented and regularly evaluated the five-part training for teachers of elementary education (1st to 6th class) titled Dyslexia – adaptations and work strategies, which involved 25 teachers of elementary education from five elementary schools of Pomurje. The intention of the research was to determine the effectiveness of our professional training based on the progress of the teachers displayed after the end of the meetings, to check the effectiveness of adaptations and work strategies, which were the subject of our training, in practice and the usefulness of the materials which the teachers got prior to each meeting. Taking into account Slovenian and foreign recommendations, as well as based on the findings of our professional training, we then also presented guidelines for more effective planning and implementation of professional training of teachers in the future, intended for the providers.


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